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quarter 2000,well MW-13 was added to the GWE system. During April 2001,the system <br /> was shut down due to more stringent NPDES permit requirements. <br /> During October 2003, the GWE system was restarted, and discharge to the sanitary <br /> sewer began. The pumping wells were MW-10, MW-15, and MW-16. The system <br /> operated intermittently until March 9, 2005 and has not discharged to the sanitary sewer <br /> since that time. A detailed description of GWE operations is presented in The RETEC <br /> Group,Inc.'s (RETEC's) January 30,2004 report. <br /> 3.3 1996 TO 2001 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION(SVE) OPERATIONS <br /> SVE began on April 16, 1996 and operated intermittently until May 23, 2001. The SVE <br /> system consisted of a Thermtech VAC-250 thermal oxidizer unit that was connected to <br /> wells MW-1, MW-11, MW-15, MW-16, MW-17, MW-23, and MW-24. The system was <br /> shut down due to high water levels and the lack of available vadose screen for <br /> SVE (RETEC,November 1,2004). <br /> 3.4 2004 TO 2005 OXYGEN INJECTION PILOT TESTING <br /> During 2004, the feasibility of performing an oxygen injection pilot test was evaluated <br /> (RETEC, November 24, 2004). During 2005, several oxygen injection wells and <br /> down-gradient monitoring points were installed along the southern property boundary <br /> near wells MW-20, MW-21, and MW-22. As discussed in RETEC's February 6, 2006 <br /> report, the pilot testing was cancelled because the total petroleum hydrocarbons as <br /> gasoline concentrations were not low enough to be sufficiently reduced by oxygen <br /> injection. Alternatively,a temporary pumping system was proposed. <br /> 3.5 2006 TO CURRENT TEMPORARY GWE OPERATIONS <br /> A temporary GWE system began operating on April 10, 2006. The GWE system pumps <br /> groundwater from well MW-1 using a top loading submersible pneumatic pump. <br /> Groundwater is stored in anon-site baker tank, and vacuum trucks transport the water <br /> to Shell's Martinez refinery for recycling. <br /> 241729(33) 6 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES <br />