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2.0 DRILLING AND WELL INSTALLATION <br /> The drilling,installation and reporting efforts are separated into three tasks <br /> outlined below. Field efforts will commence under a company approved health <br /> and safety plan and an established company quality assurance program. <br /> 2.1 Task 1—Installation of Monitoring Wells <br /> Three ground water monitoring well locations are proposed. These <br /> locations are designated as follows: <br /> 1. MW-3 is located south of the percolation bed and is considered an <br /> upgradient monitoirng well; <br /> 2. MW4 is believed to be downgradient of the two existing wells and the <br /> new proposed wells. It is located north of the Aerated Pond. <br /> 3. MW-5 is located northeast and downgradient of percolation bed. <br /> Locations are depicted on Figure 1. Final locations may change slightly <br /> due to field conditions. Note based on Table 1 and graphs provided, <br /> groundwater flows to the South for a portion of the year and local <br /> recharge areas that impact flow direction. These locations were selected <br /> based on available space and proximity to the ponds and potential off site <br /> contaminant sources and to provide up gradient down gradient well <br /> locations. Previously completed monitoring wells have been terminated <br /> at a maximum depth of 35 feet. <br /> Issued: June 8,2001 <br /> California Concentrates Monitoring well Work Plan Revision 1 <br /> JHC Project No.443.01 2 <br />