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SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br /> 1868 East Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, Califomia 95205-6232 <br /> Te/ep one:(209)468-3420 Fax:(209)468-3433 <br /> CONTINUATION FORM Page: 5 of 5 <br /> OFFICIAL INSPECTION REPORT Date: 11/27/12 <br /> Facility Address: Mr. Ed Muffler & Brake 23190 South Darrigo Drive, Tracy Program: HW <br /> SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS <br /> CLASS I,CLASS II,or MINOR-Notice to Comply) <br /> 610. One metal 55 gallon rum of used oil filters lacked a label to identify its contents and its start <br /> accumulation date. Used it filters must be stored in a closed, rainproof container, labeled as "drained <br /> used oil filters," and mark d with an accumulation start date. Immediately label its contents and the start <br /> accumulation date or hav the hazardous waste hauler provide a label with the required information and <br /> ensure that all used oil filt rs are managed in this way. <br /> 808 & 809. Failed to label niversal waste to identify type of universal waste and unknown length of time <br /> universal waste stored on ite. Universal waste television is found stored outdoors at the rear of the <br /> facility. It is unclear how to g it has been stored defective on site. Universal waste items must be <br /> properly labeled and identi led as "Universal waste - electronic device or CRT" depending on type of <br /> waste. Universal waste ca be stored on site for up to one year of start waste accumulation date. Since <br /> it is unclear how long this t levision have been on site, immediately it be properly disposed at an <br /> authorized household haz rdous waste disposal facility. Submit a copy of a disposal receipt to SJC <br /> EHD. <br /> Submit to SJC EHD within 30 days (12/27/12): <br /> 1. one copy of the complet d "Return to Compliance Certification" form <br /> 2. a written corrective acti n statement for each of the above violations <br /> 3. requesting or supporting documentation ie. photos, disposal receipts <br /> 4. one copy of the complet d "California Environmental Reporting System Lead User Authorization <br /> Form" to allow EHD author zation to facility's CERS data. Businesses must submit electronic data of <br /> HMBP on a state website tarting 2013. <br /> Notes.- <br /> - <br /> otes:- Provided: Haz Waste lab ling instructions, CERS info & Authorization form, free training schedule <br /> - In 2011 year, facility gen rated approximately 300 gallons (1.2 Tons) of used oil, 115 gallons (.46 <br /> Tons) of used antifreeze = .66 Tons of hazardous waste. <br /> - Owner formerly operated &J Radiator & Automotive 7979 W 11 th, 95304 (across the street) <br /> CAL000309133. Site close & consolidated with Mr. Eds Muffler & Brakes in late 209. <br /> ALL EHD STAFF TIME ASSOCIA D WITH FAILING TO COMPLY BY THE ABOVE NOTED DATES WILL BE BILLED AT THE CURRENT HOURLY RATE. <br /> THIS FACILITY IS SU ECT TO REINSPECTION AT ANY TIME AT EHD'S CURRENT HOURLY RATE. <br /> EHD Ins Received By: — Title: <br /> EHD 23-02-003 Rev 041 I12 CONTINUATION FORM <br />