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( v tiroc <br /> A S S O C I A T E S I N C . <br /> beneath the former UST location indicated the presence of detectable concentrations total <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons. After the tank was removed, the area of the former tank was backfilled. <br /> The approximate location of the former UST is shown on Figure 2. <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Planning and Permits <br /> ATC has completed the soil boring permit application for the proposed soil and groundwater <br /> investigation. The permit application and associated fees (check no. 214) are attached to this <br /> workplan. ATC will also schedule field personnel and equipment, notify Underground Services <br /> Alert to locate underground utilities as required, and perform any other necessary field <br /> preparation and job start-up activities. <br /> Installation of Soil Borin s and Monitoring Wells <br /> Three soil borings will be advanced using a hollow stem auger equipped drill rig to depths of <br /> approximately 50 feet below ground surface (bgs). Drilling will be conducted by a State licensed <br /> (C57) drilling company. The soil samples from the three soil borings will be collected at five-foot <br /> intervals or significant changes in lithology. A field geologist will be present to log drill cuttings <br /> and soil samples. Each soil sample will be field screened with a Photoionization Detection (PID) <br /> meter or similar instrument and at least three samples from each boring, based on field <br /> observations (i.e. odor, discoloration, PID readings), will be placed in a cooler with ice and <br /> submitted for laboratory analysis. <br /> Placement of Borings/Wells <br /> To evaluate the extent of impacted soil and groundwater in the area of the former UST, three soil <br /> borings will be advanced to approximately 50 feet bgs. One boring will be located just east of the <br /> location of the former UST, one boring will be located north of the pump house, and one boring <br /> will be located south of the pump house. The estimated groundwater flow direction is to the <br /> northeast based on groundwater gradient data from nearby sites, the groundwater data from the <br /> Lines of Equal Elevation of Groundwater in the Flood Control & Water Conservation District <br /> Fall 1997 Groundwater Report was inconclusive for the location. Proposed well locations are <br /> shown on Figure 2. <br /> If field observations warrant it, up to three of the soil borings will be completed as groundwater <br /> monitoring wells. This decision will be made in the field by ATC personnel, a City of Stockton <br /> representative, and the PHS/EHD regulator, based on field observations (i.e. odor, discoloration, <br /> PID readings) during drilling. <br /> w:162574.064eportslwkpwel.doc 2 <br />