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Ranch Market 2 - 10 October 2016 <br /> 23569 South Santa Fe Road <br /> Riverbank, San Joaquin County <br /> During third quarter 2000, which was the first sampling event in which MW-7 was <br /> sampled, and was prior to the implementation of remediation at the Site, benzene <br /> concentrations in MW-5 and MW-5D were 80 ug/L and 5.0 ug/L, respectively, while <br /> benzene in MW-7 was 320 ug/L. These data, along with the historical documentation of <br /> a former UST at the 23659 Santa Fe Road property, corroborate the potential presence <br /> of a separate source impacting MW-7. <br /> The Central Valley Water Board is taking the above information into consideration, and <br /> upon further evaluation of the possibility that a second release occurred from the former <br /> Barrera's Market, we may open a new case related to this release. <br /> 2. Hydrocarbon concentrations appear to be declining in all Site wells except MW-1, in the <br /> source area. Concentrations of TPHg, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes <br /> (BTEX), and MTBE were all below laboratory reporting limits in May 2013. However, <br /> concentrations of TPHg and BTEX have increased incrementally over the past three (3) <br /> years, with concentrations of TPHg and benzene at 1,400 micrograms per liter (ug/L) <br /> and 71 ug/L, respectively, which are above the Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) of 5.0 <br /> and 1.0 ug/L, respectively. MTBE in MW-1 is below the WQO of 5.0 ug/L. <br /> Additional groundwater monitoring is needed to observe if the increasing trends <br /> continue. All Site wells should be gauged during each semi-annual sampling event, <br /> however, due to limited remaining Cleanup Fund budget for this case, semi-annual <br /> groundwater sampling should be limited to wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-5, MW-5D, <br /> and MW-7. Domestic well DW-3 is to be sampled on an annual basis during first <br /> quarter. Hydrocarbon concentrations in wells MW-4, MW-6, MW-8, and MW-9 have <br /> been below laboratory reporting limits during recent sampling events. Please submit <br /> third quarter 2016 groundwater sampling data in a semi-annual Groundwater Monitoring <br /> Report due 30 October 2016. Please also perform the first quarter 2017 groundwater <br /> sampling event and submit the data in a semi-annual Groundwater Monitoring Report <br /> due 30 April 2017. <br /> While the Report includes domestic well groundwater analytical data only from DW-4 for <br /> the most recent event, in future Groundwater Monitoring Report, please provide all <br /> historical domestic well analytical data. <br /> 3. It does not appear that the Site meets the Low Threat Closure Policy (LTCP) Vapor <br /> Intrusion criteria. While benzene concentrations in groundwater are less than 100 ug/L, <br /> and the vertical separation between surface and impacted groundwater is greater than <br /> 10 feet, TPHg concentrations in the top 10 feet of soil are greater than 100 milligram per <br /> kilogram (mg/kg). TPHg was reported in sample "#3 West End" at 225 mg/kg, collected <br /> at 9.5 feet bgs in 1991 from the west side of former UST#3. While this data is old, and <br /> soil vapor extraction (SVE) has removed 18,324 pounds of TPHg, no subsequent soil <br /> samples have been collected in this area shallower than 15 feet bgs. Additionally, vapor <br /> samples collected from the influent stream of the SVE system in April 2007, just before <br /> the system was shut down, were reported with a benzene concentration of 0.15 parts <br /> per million by volume (ppmv). Using Eurofins online unit conversion calculator, this <br /> equals 479.2 micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m3), which exceeds the LTCP Table 1 <br /> residential threshold for benzene of 85 ug/m3. The residential threshold has been used <br /> for comparison as it is believed that a section of the Site structure is used in a residential <br />