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L. <br /> exceed the daily discharge limit of two pounds of total volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Thus, <br /> the SVE system was immediately shut down after influent and effluent samples were collected. On <br /> August 5, the laboratory analytical data indicated that the effluent discharge of total VOCs was less <br /> than the two pound per day permit limit and the SVE system was re-started. On August 5 and 17, <br /> adjustments were made to direct more vacuum and flow to those wells with the highest PID readings. <br /> v On September_2, 8, 15, and 27, the chart paper was changed out. On September 2, monitoring was <br /> conducted on wells V2, V3, V5, and V6. Vapor influent and effluent samples were collected and <br /> transported to Kiff Analytical for analysis. Adjustments were made to direct more vacuum and flow <br /> LW to those wells with the highest PID readings. <br /> 400 On October 11, 19, and 26, the chart paper was changed out. On October 11, monitoring was <br /> conducted on wells V2, V3, V5, and V6. Vapor influent and effluent samples were collected and <br /> transported to Kiff Analytical for analysis. Adjustments were made to direct vacuum and flow to <br /> LW those wells with the highest PID readings. Upon arrival on October 11, the system was down with a <br /> F high temperature alarm light illuminated. The system was re-started without any repairs or <br /> i, adjustments necessary. On October 26, the system was down with the high pressure alarm light <br /> illuminated. Upon restart,there was no vacuum on the system due to the dilution valve being stuck in <br /> the open position. The valve was replaced and the SVE system was re-started on October 28. Also on <br /> October 28,Phillip Transportation Services mobilized to the site and removed the accumulated purge <br /> water from the 500-gallon tank and transported offsite for disposal. <br /> On November 4, 12, 19, and 24, the chart paper was changed out. On November 4, monitoring was <br /> conducted on wells V2, V3, V5, and V6. Vapor influent and effluent samples were collected and <br /> saw transported to Kiff Analytical for analysis. Adjustments were made to direct more vacuum and flow <br /> to those wells with the highest PID readings. On November 10, the system shut down for unknown <br /> +•► causes and on November 12 the SVE system was re-started. <br /> . On December 1, the chart paper was changed out. On December 2, monitoring was conducted on <br /> wells V2, V3, V5, and V6. Vapor influent and effluent samples were collected and transported to <br /> Kiff Analytical for analysis. Adjustments were made to direct more vacuum and flow to those wells <br /> LM with the highest PTD readings. Vapor well V5 was closed to increase the total system vacuum and <br /> t increase the vacuum on the remaining wells open on the manifold. <br /> The average vacuum for the SVE system was 58 inches of water, and the average flow rate was 151 <br /> cfm. The average SVE system influent TPHg concentration during the reporting period was 147 <br /> Lo parts per million volume(ppmv). <br /> The SV1? system removed approximately 1,239 pounds of TPHg, 28 pounds of benzene, and 0.4 <br /> pounds of MTBE during the reporting period. The SVE system operational and analytical data <br /> Project No.58643-06-01 -7- December 30,2004 <br />