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Final Remediation Plan Page 12 <br /> Ranch Market 23569 South Santa Fe Road Riverbank CA February 28 2001 <br /> hydrocarbons from the vadose zone Ozone will be infected Into a total of 12 points using a <br /> solenoid controller that will rotate the infection of ozone to each point at a rate of 6 cfm <br /> SECOR recommends the combination of SVE and ozone sparging as the most economic and <br /> practical remedial approach at the Site <br /> 5.2.6 SVE/AS combined with Groundwater Extraction <br /> The combination of groundwater extraction could be used to control the downgradient <br /> migration of the dissolved gasoline and also remove gasoline from the vadoes zone and <br /> dissolved in groundwater The costs presented in Table 1, assume one groundwater extraction <br /> well pumping at 25 gallons per minute would result in hydrologic control of the dissolved <br /> gasoline plume Given the sandy nature of the sediments underlying the site, hydrologic <br /> control of the site may require additional wells and a significantly higher rate of water <br /> production Due to the higher cost of installation and operation of the GWE system and <br /> possibility that water production rates in excess of 25 gpm could significantly increase <br /> equipment costs, SECOR does not recommend this option <br /> 5.3 Remedial Alternative Recommendation <br /> Based on the cost estimate provided in Appendix C, Table 1 and the discussion presented <br /> above, SECOR recommends soil vapor extraction combined with ozone sparging as the most <br /> effective remedial approach Soil vapor extraction will remove the gasoline from the vadose <br /> • zone and ozone infection will chemically destroy and enhance biodegradation of the gasoline <br /> adsorbed to the saturated soil and dissolved in groundwater The lower ozone infection rates <br /> will also reduce the risk of driving the dissolved gasoline range petroleum hydrocarbons <br /> offsite <br /> 5.4 Conceptual Remedial Alternative Design <br /> The goal of the remediation project is removal and/or in-situ destruction of the gasoline <br /> adsorbed to soil and dissolved in groundwater to concentrations below site-specific risk based <br /> levels Using an SVE radius of influence of 40 feet, a total of 10 soil vapor extraction wells <br /> are proposed to remove the hydrocarbons from the vadose zone and to capture the ozone <br /> infected into the sparging wells Assuming a 25 to 30-foot radius of influence for the ozone <br /> infection, a total of 12 ozone sparge wells are proposed to either remove or stimulate in-situ <br /> biologic destruction of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the saturated zone The location of the <br /> existing and proposed SVE and ozone sparging (OS) wells are shown on Figure 11 <br /> During the SVE/AS feasibility test the individual well flows ranged from 30 to 130 scfm at 50 <br /> to 100 in H2O The combined flow from the 6 wells averaged ranged from 165 to 220 scfm <br /> with applied vacuums of 50 to 75 in H2O Depending on the available power supply at the <br /> Ranch Market, a soil vapor extraction ozone infection system should have the following <br /> specifications <br /> Catalytic Oxidizer Flow rate of 300 to 500 scfm at 75 to 100 inches of water <br /> A total of 10 SVE wells with extraction rates of 30 to 50 scfm <br /> File FRP-report doe SECOR International Incorporated <br />