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lw.. <br /> 21 April 1997 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 97-0321 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> ground water depth and flow direction can vary seasonally. <br /> 3.0. SCOPE OF WORK <br /> 3.1. EXCAVATION OF HYDROCARBON-1MPAC TED SOIL <br /> Based upon analytical results from soil samples collected during the UST removal. the PHS-FTID <br /> is requiring further investigation of the former UST No. 3 area to determine the vertical and lateral <br /> extent of hydrocarbon impacted soil and/or ground water. Low concentrations of hydrocarbons <br /> encountered beneath former UST No. I do not justify re-excavation of this area. <br /> Initially, AGI,proposes to excavate the former UST No. 3 area to remove any remaining impacted <br /> soil in the vadose zone. The excavation will be performed using an excavator, provided by M & M <br /> Ditching. Excavated soil will be stockpiled adjacent to the excavation; samples will be collected <br /> from the floor and each sidewall of the excavation. Vire do not anticipate encountering groundwater <br /> during excavation. However, if encountered, a grab water sample will be collected from the <br /> excavation. <br /> Excavation soil will be placed on plastic sheeting and stored on-site with existing stockpiles. Upon <br /> completion of the excavation procedures, the stockpiled soil will be sampled and characterized for <br /> treatment or disposal. <br /> 3.2. SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION <br /> Soil samples will be collected from the floor and sidewalls of the excavation. Samples will be <br /> collected from the excavator bucket in pre-cleaned 2- by 3-inch brass sleeves. The ends of the lead <br /> brass sleeve will be immediately covered with Teflon sheets, capped and scaled with tape. Each <br /> sample sleeve will be labeled and logged on a chain-of-custody form. The samples will be placed <br /> in a chilled container and transported to a State-certified laboratory for analysis. <br /> We do not anticipate encountering ground water during excavation. However, if ground water is <br /> encountered during excavation, a "grab" water sample will be collected using a disposable plastic <br /> bailer. Upon collection, the sample will be placed into I-liter amber bottles and 40-ml VOA vials, <br /> placed in a chilled container and transported to a State-certified laboratory for analysis. <br />