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ARCADIS Site Investigation Work Plan <br /> 401 Norlh San Jose Street,Stockton,Callfomla <br /> 3.1 Geophysical Survey <br /> A geophysical survey is proposed to Investigate for possible USTs, utilities, and other miscellaneous debris. <br /> A magnetic(MAG)and electromagnetic terrain conductivity(EM)survey will be performed on a 10-ft.grid to <br /> define locallzed magnetic and conductivity variations(anomalies)that may be caused by subsurface metallic <br /> and non-metallic sources. The recorded data will be uploaded to a laptop computer and processed in the <br /> field to generate preliminary MAG and EM contour maps, Used on these results,ground penetrating radar <br /> (GPR)will be focally operated over defined anomalies to further define the nature of the subsurface sources <br /> In terms of approximate size,configuration,and/or depth. Additionally EM will systematically be used to <br /> locate potential utility alignments and other features.The locations of all detected subsurface features will be <br /> marked on the ground surface and documented on a scaled site plan. The field survey will be performed by <br /> a 2-person crew headed by a CA Professional Geophysicist. <br /> 3.2 Cone Penetrometer Testing with Laser Induced Fluorescence <br /> Ten CPTILIF borings(CPT-1 through CPT-10).will be advanced at the Site(Figure 2).The locations of the <br /> CPT,-Ortngs may be modified fused on the results of the geophysical survey. <br /> CPT technology provides detailed Iltholog-fc data that can be used to Identify permeable zones.The CPT <br /> borings will be conducted using a plezocone attached by stainless steel rods to a hydraulic system that <br /> pushes the plezocone through the soil. The plezocone will continuously measure the friction,tip resistance <br /> and pore pressure which will be used to evaluate soil types on a geologic log. <br /> Laser Induced Fluorescence(LIF)testing, using an Ultra-Violet Optical Screening Tool(UVOS7)Installed on <br /> a cone penetrometer tool(CPT),can provide detailed stratigraphic logging and simultaneous hydrocarbon <br /> contaminant screening. CPT/LIF data can be used to select appropriate boring, sampling,and monitoring <br /> well locations and allowfor a rapid,accurate,and cost-effective site assessment. A CPT/LIF survey, <br /> consisting of approximately 10 borings distributed throughout the Site,will be used to semi-quantitatively <br /> evaluate the lateral and vertical distribution of TPH. <br /> The depth of the borings cannot be defined a priori;rather,the CPT will be driven to a depth at which the LIF <br /> Indicates the absence of TPH. <br /> Upon completion of the CPTs,the boreholes will be brought to grade with neat cement grout The CPT <br /> borings will be performed In accordance with the revised(2002)American Society for Testing Materials <br /> (ASTM)standards(D 5778-95). <br /> 4 <br />