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Letter to Wong Engii, rs -2- November 1, 1977 <br /> 5. Location of gates not shown. <br /> 6. Gates & ramp to levee in rear of ponds should be shown. <br /> Sheet No. 4 <br /> 1. Elevation of water line between M.H. 10 & M.H. 9 profile C not shown. <br /> 2. M.H. 1 & 10 not shown as drop manhole. <br /> Sheet No. 5 <br /> 1. P.U.E. on future Wilcox Road not shown. <br /> Sheet No. 6 <br /> 1. Information on line going west from M.H. 12 not complete. <br /> Sheet No. 7 <br /> 1. 8" line at M.H. 12 not shown. <br /> 2. Gas, electric and water not shown on profile. <br /> Sheet No. 8 <br /> 1. Lateral sizes not shown. <br /> 2. Gas, electric and water not shown on profile. <br /> Sheet No. 9 <br /> 1. Drainage structure needs to be revised to conform to changes on <br /> Sheet No. 2. <br /> 2. Waterline to plant needs to be enlarged. (1 1/2" min.) <br /> 3. Provide chlorinator to allow for chlorination of polishing pond for <br /> odor control. <br /> 4. Side slope on ponds 2:1 min. <br /> 5. Paved surface area drainage not shown. <br /> Sheet No. 10 <br /> 1. Lift station needs to be enlarged to provide for maintenance on pumps. <br /> 2. Ladder for lift station should be changed to conform to Industrial <br /> Safety Standards and be metal ladder galv. attached to side of structure. <br /> Sheet No. 11 <br /> 1. ,Blower noise baffle will be needed. <br /> 2. Expanded metal screening will need to be revised to prevent vandelism. <br /> 3. Work bench has not been provided. <br /> 4. Laboratory facilities and work sink counter has not been provided. <br /> 5. Foundation elevation not shown. <br /> 6. Electrical plan for building not shown. <br /> 7. Electrical service not shown. <br /> 8. Electrical & building plan should be reviewed and approved by San <br /> Joaquin County Building Department prior to this department approving <br /> improvement plans. <br />