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d <br /> 28 August 2009 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 04-1173 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> system piping is included as Figure 3. The boring locations are shown on Figure 4. <br /> PROCEDURES <br /> Prior to mobilization, the area of excavation was clearly marked and a utility clearance obtained <br /> through Underground Service Alert. <br /> KCP,a general engineering contractor for service station maintenance and repair was present at the <br /> site during all soil sampling activities. <br /> Due to unavailability of as-built plans of the site UST system,a 3-foot by 4-foot rectangle was saw- <br /> cut in the concrete surface and removed between Dispenser islands 15 and 16 to determine the exact <br /> location of the UST piping. The concrete was approximately nine-inches thick. KCP removed the <br /> pea gravel and exposed the piping.Based upon KCP's determination of the location of the lines and <br /> Mr.Jutla's direction,9-inch diameter concrete cores were cut adjacent to diesel dispenser locations <br /> DD-11 through DD-17 on the south and west side of the respective islands for soil sampling <br /> purposes. <br /> After the 9-inch,diameter concrete cores were cut and removed,AGE inserted a two-inch diameter <br /> PVC pipe through the cored concrete at an approximate angle of 61 degrees to the surface through <br /> the pea gravel fill material of the UST system piping.A wet-dry vacuum was attached to the 2-inch <br /> PVC pipe and pea gravel was vacuumed from sub-slab while advancing the PVC pipe through the <br /> pea gravel to native material nearly directly beneath each dispenser island. <br /> Once native soil material was reach with the two-inch diameter PVC pipe, a 1.5-inch diameter <br /> Geoprobe®macrocore®soil sampler attached to 1.125-inch steel rods and loaded with four 1-inch <br /> diameter stainless steel sleeves was placed through the conduit(PVC pipe)to the depth of the native <br /> soil material. The soil sampler was advanced manually into the native soil material using a steel <br /> fence post driver. The sampler was then opened and advanced approximately eight inches into the <br /> native soil material.The sampler was then retracted and the soil sleeves removed.The collected soil <br /> samples were preserved by covering both ends of the stainless steel sleeve with Teflon®sheets,caps <br /> and sealing with tape. Each preserved sample sleeve was labeled with soil boring location, depth, <br /> time, date and sampler's initials and was stored in a chilled container under ice. <br /> Due to the grading of the trench containing the UST piping,borings B-11 and B-12 were advanced <br /> to approximately 6 feet below surface grade(bsg),while borings B-13 through B-17 were advanced <br /> to approximately 5 feet bsg in order to reach first encountered native soil material. <br /> As overseen by a SJCEHD inspector,each boring was allowed to be naturally backfilled with all pea <br /> gravel material removed during the soil sampling activity with the except of boring B-11.A portion <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc. <br />