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• 14 February 2000 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 96-0254 <br /> IPage 6 of 10 <br />' 2 9 COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> Water samples were collected from each well using a new disposable plastic bailer Each water <br />' sample was transferred into three 40-m1 VOA vials containing 0 5 ml 18% HC1 as a sample <br /> preservative and into one 1-liter amber bottle lacking preservative After collection,the samples were <br /> labeled and placed in a chilled container for transportation under chain-of-custody MAI Each sample <br /> was analyzed for <br /> • TPH-g and TPH-d in accordance with EPA Method 8015 Modified, <br /> I • BTEX and MTBE in accordance with EPA Methods 8020, <br /> • MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE and TAME in accordance with EPA Method 8260 Modified <br />' 3.0. FINDINGS <br /> . Ground water elevation and flow direction were inferred from field data, fuel-hydrocarbon impact <br />' to ground water was assessed by laboratory analysis Soil in the area east of well MW-4 was found <br /> to contain petroleum hydrocarbons at depths of 5 bsg, lesser concentrations were encountered at 10 <br /> feet and 15 feet bsg Ground water was inferred to have a northerly flow direction and was found to <br />' be locally impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons and oxygenated fuel additives <br />' 3 1 STRATIGRAPHY AND DEPTH TO GROUND WATER <br />' Silty sand and sand with a tan or gray color, apparently depending on hydrocarbon impact, was <br /> generally encountered from a depth of approximately 5 feet to 10 feet bsg <br />' Interbedded clay and sand strata were present at depths between 5 and 15 feet bsg Sand was <br /> encountered at depths of 15 and 20 feet bsg in various locations, a coarse sand appears to extend <br /> northwest from the former UST area at a depth of 20 feet bsg Below a depth of 25 feet bsg a silty <br />' clay was present in soil boring established below that depth <br /> Soil borings are depicted in Appendix A A stratigraphic cross section is depicted in Figure 3 <br /> 3 2 HYDROCARBON-IMPACTED SOIL <br />' <br /> A total of fifteen soil samples were analyzed for TPH- , TPH-d, BTEX, MTBE as well as the suite <br /> . P Y g <br />' of five fuel additives by EPA Method 8260 Modified <br /> Advanced GeoEnN ironmental Inc <br /> 1 <br />