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' 15 August 1997 <br /> . AGE-NC Project No 96-0254 <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br />' water samples analyzed for diesel at concentrations of 44,000 ppb and 310,000 ppb <br /> BTE&X were detected in each of the water samples analyzed at concentrations ranging from 0 56 <br />' ppb benzene in boring B1 to 20,000 ppb of benzene in boring B7 MTBE was also detected at <br /> concentrations up to 1,000 ppb by EPA Method 8020 However, the highest concentration of MTBE <br /> detected by EPA Method 8260 was 180 ppb <br /> ILaboratory results of grab ground water samples analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons are <br /> summarized in Table 2 -Anal vocal Results of Grab Water Samples The laboratory reports (MAI <br /> Laboratory ID 77986 to 77993), QA/QC reports and chain-of-custody forms are Included in <br /> Appendix B <br /> IFigure 4- Dissolved Hydrocarbons, shows an approximate areal distribution of ground water <br /> containing at least 100,000 ppb TPH-g and at least 10,000 ppb benzene Noteworthy in respect to <br /> the figure is that the ground water sample from B6 contained 310,000 ppb TPH-d and 200,000 ppb <br /> TPH-g, but had only 3,400 ppb benzene, and so was not included in the mapped plume despite <br /> significant hydrocarbon Impact on the ground water in this area <br /> Also, the ground water sample from B3 had concentrations of TPH-g and benzene below the <br /> threshold mapping cut-off, but had a hydrocarbon sheen noted on laboratory report <br /> I <br /> 50 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> The following conclusions were drawn from the results of this investigation - <br /> • Ground water at the site was encountered at a depth of approximately 8 feet bsg The <br /> prevailing ground water flow direction in this area of Tracy is generally toward the north, <br /> based on giound water flow direction observations made on other sites in the vicinity <br /> • The most intensely hydrocarbon-impacted soil was encountered in the area of the former <br /> USTs Soil contamination was limited to depths of 12 feet bsg and the highest hydrocarbon <br /> Iconcentrations were encountered at depths of 6 to 8 feet bsg The area with the highest <br /> hydrocarbon concentrations is centered in the former UST area, included borings B2,B3, B4 <br /> and B5, and was bounded by borings Bl, B6 and B7 The estimated lateral extent of <br /> impacted soil at a depth of 6 to 8 feet bsg is depicted in Figure 3 - Hydrocar bon Impacted <br /> Soil <br /> IThe highest concentration of dissolved hydrocarbons quantified as TPH-g and overall <br /> . BTE&X compounds extends northward of the former UST area Hydrocarbons were <br /> encountered in the presumed down gradient direction from the UST to the northern property <br /> Adtatreed GeoEn.iron mental Inc <br />