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. site would be required. Subsequently, on February 3, 1993, one 2-inch diameter <br /> groundwater monitoring well (MW-1) was installed at the site <br /> The well was initially sampled on February 9, 1993 Low concentrations of TPH as diesel <br /> and benzene (64 µg/1 and 0 4 N.g/l, respectively) were detected in the initial water sample. <br /> A second groundwater sample was collected in May 1993. No petroleum hydrocarbons were <br /> detected in the second sample A third water sample was collected on August 16, 1993. <br /> During the third round of sampling, TPH as diesel was detected at 68µg11 and benzene was <br /> detected an 0 3µg11 It as our understanding that no additional samples have been collected <br /> from MW-1 <br /> 2.4 Groundwater Depth and Gradient Direction <br /> The depth to groundwater at the site is approximately 25 to 30 feet. No site-specific <br /> gradient data has been obtained However, according to information obtained from the <br /> PHS/EHD from nearby sites, the Iocal groundwater gradient direction is west or northwest <br /> However, City of Manteca Municipal Well #13 is located immediately west of the property <br /> and it is possible that this well may be influencing the gradient and flow direction at the site <br /> Without influence from the Municipal Well, the flow direction may be more southerly. <br /> 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK <br />. In a letter dated November 17, 1994, the PHS/EHD stated that "at least two more <br /> monitoring wells must be located at the site, with one of the wells located between the <br /> former tank pat area and the municipal well " Therefore, GeoAudit proposed to install two <br /> additional monitoring wells at the site. One well wsil be located west of the main structure. <br /> (between the former tank pit and the municipal well) and the other well will be located <br /> southwest of the former tank pat area. The proposed locations of the wells are illustrated <br /> in Figure 2. <br /> 4.0 PROCEDURES <br /> To meet the project objectives, the following procedures will be performed. <br /> 1) Prepare a Site Health and Safety Plan in accordance with the Occupational Safety <br /> and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities (Prepared by the <br /> National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Safety and <br /> Health Administration, U S Coast Guard and U.S. Environmental Protection <br /> Agency, October 1985). <br /> 2) Notify the San Joaquin County Public Health Services - Environmental Health <br /> Division (PHS/EHD) 48 hours prior to commencement of any work. <br /> CAL-WMT WnA NW_- 1-11 1Mf-M <br />