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3) Drill two (2) borings using a truck-mounted drill ng equipped with continuous-flight, <br />. 8-inch diameter hollow-stem augers The borings will be drilled to depths of <br /> apprommately 40 feet Boring locations are depicted on Figure 2 <br /> 4) Obtain soil samples at five-foot intervals using a split-tube sampler loaded with three <br /> pre-cleaned brass sleeves <br /> 5) Preserve soil in the lead brass sleeve by covering both ends with aluminum foil, <br /> capping, and sealing with tape. <br /> 6) Label and log soil samples on a chain-of-custody form <br /> 7) Store the samples under ice and transport the samples in a chilled container to a <br /> state-certified laboratory for analysis Soil samples will be analyzed for TPH as diesel <br /> and volatile aromatics (BTE&X), in accordance with EPA methods 5030/8015 and <br /> 8020, respectively. <br /> 8) Log auger returns in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. <br /> 9) Monitor auger returns and soil sample duplicates for the presence of volatile organics <br /> using a photo-ionization detector (PID) pre-calibrated to isobutylene <br /> 10) Decontaminate sampling equipment in an alconox solution and rinse twice with water <br />. prior to each sampling run <br /> 11) Steam-clean auger flights after drilling. <br /> 12) Soil cuttings will be stockpiled on plastic sheeting and stored on-site pending <br /> analytical results <br /> 13) Complete each boring as a two-inch diameter monitoring well The wells will be <br /> completed in accordance with the well design depicted in Figure 3 <br /> 14) Survey the top of each well casing to determine the elevation relative to existing <br /> wells <br /> 15) No sooner than 48 hours after installation, measure to the nearest 0.01 foot, the <br /> static water level in the new wells. <br /> 16) Remove standing water from each well A bailer or submersible pump will be used <br /> to surge and purge each well A minimum of three well volummes of water will be <br /> removed from each well to stabilize pH, temperature and conductivity. Parameters <br /> will be measured at one-gallon intervals. After wells have stabilized, samples will be <br /> collected using disposable plastic bailers. <br />. a..4-",,.O 3..1-4 L.. 3 <br /> CM WM'r WMA-V r-D&II L004U <br />