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SAN10 A Q U I N Environmental Health Department <br /> COUNTY______ <br /> c. Describe method to be used for decontamination: <br /> d. Describe how rinsate material will be stored onsite prior to manifesting offsite: <br /> e. Rinsate Hauler and permitted Treatment, Storage& Disposal Facility: <br /> Hauler Name Phone ( ) Hauler Reg# <br /> Address City Zip <br /> Permitted Disposal Site <br /> 6. a. Describe the method that will be utilized to purge and/or inert the piping: <br /> b. Piping Hauler: <br /> Name Phone ( ) <br /> Address City Zip <br /> Hauler Registration#(if hauled as hazardous) <br /> c. Piping Disposal Site: <br /> Name Phone ( ) <br /> Address City Zip <br /> EPA ID#(if transported to a permitted TSD facility) <br /> 7. Is the sampling firm an independent third party from the contractor? YES [] NO [] <br /> a. Identify sampling firm: <br /> Name Phone( ) <br /> Address City Zip <br /> b. Identify laboratory performing analysis: <br /> Name Phone �) <br /> Address City Zip <br /> 8. Describe, in detail, how the soil and/or water sample(s) beneath the piping or dispenser will be obtained: <br /> 9. a. Handling of excavated soil (Contaminated Soil Hazardous Waste Hauler): <br /> Name Hauler Registration # Phone ( ) <br /> Address City Zip <br /> b. If soil is not to be hauled, describe what will be done with it: <br /> 4of6 <br />