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SAN JOAQUWOUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IWARTMENT <br /> UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK <br /> E: <br /> MONITORING PLAN— PAGE 2 <br /> VI. DISPENSER MONITORING <br /> MONITORING OF AREAS BENEATH DISPENSER(S)IS PERFORMED USING THE FOLLOWING METHOD(S)(Check all that apply) M50• <br /> ❑ 1.CONTINUOUS ELECTRONIC MONITORING OF UNDER DISPENSER CONTAINMENT(UDC) <br /> PANEL MANUFACTURER: M51. MODEL#: M52. <br /> LEAK SENSOR MANUFACTURER: Ms3. MODEL#(S): M54. <br /> WILL DETECTION OF A LEAK INTO THE UDC TRIGGER AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS? ❑ a.YES ❑ b.NO M55. <br /> WILL A UDC LEAK ALARM TRIGGER AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN? ❑ a.YES ❑ b.NO M56. <br /> WILL FAILURE/DISCONNECTION OF UDC MONITORING SYSTEM TRIGGER AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN? ❑ a.YES ❑ b.NO MSZ <br /> ;3�2,.MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY(e.g.,FLOAT AAIN ASSEMBLY)IN UDC TRIPS SHEAR VALVE IN CASE OF LEAK <br /> ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURra o o Mss. MODEL#(S): Ms9. <br /> ER: I <br /> ❑ 3.VISUALMONITORING DONE: ❑ a.DAILY ❑ b.WEEKLY(Requires agency approval) M60. <br /> ❑ 4.NO DISPENSERS <br /> ❑ 99.OTHER(Specify) M61. <br /> VII. ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION <br /> ❑ 1.WE HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD THAT WE MUST IMPLEMENT ENHANCED LEAK M'O. <br /> DETECTION(ELD)FOR THE UST(S)COVERED BY THIS PLAN.PER 23 CCR§2644.1,ELD IS PERFORMED EVERY 36 MONTHS AS REQUIRED <br /> VIII. TRAINING <br /> REFERENCE DOCUMENTS MAINTAINED AT FACILITY(Check all that apply) Mao. <br /> 1. THIS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PLAN(Required) <br /> 2. OPERATING MANUALS FOR ELECTRONIC MONITORING EQUIPMENT(Required) <br /> 3. THE FACILITY'S BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES(Required as of 1/01/2005) <br /> 4. ❑ CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS <br /> 5. ❑ CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK LAW <br /> 6. ❑ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) PUBLICATION: "HANDBOOK FOR TANK OWNERS - MANUAL AND <br /> STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION" <br /> 7. ❑ SWRCB PUBLICATION:"WEEKLY MANUAL TANK GAUGING FOR SMALL UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS" <br /> 99. ❑ OTHER(Specify): M81. <br /> Personnel with UST monitoring responsibilities are familiar with all of the above documents relevant to their job duties and can access those documents when needed. <br /> By January 1,2005 this facility will have a"Designated UST Operator"who has passed the operator exam administered by the International Code Council(ICC). By <br /> January 1,2005,and annually thereafter,the "Designated UST Operator"will train facility employees in the proper operation and maintenance of the UST systems. <br /> This training will include,but is not limited to,the following: <br /> ➢ Operation of the UST systems in a manner consistent with the facility's best management practices. <br /> ➢ The facility employee's role with regard to the leak detection equipment. <br /> ➢ The facility employee's role with regard to spills and overfills. <br /> ➢ Whom to contact for emergencies and leak detection alarms. <br /> For facility employees hired on or after January 1,2005,the initial training will be conducted within 30 days of the date of hire. <br /> IX. COMMENTS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br /> Please use this section to include any additional UST system monitoring-related information(e.g.,additional information required by your local agency): M85. <br /> TYPE OF OVERFILL PREVENTION= <br /> J P i b 2 ►, e c ti��n �.�- l Z,*-P,d e e' afi �I a <br /> ,4arkuAL_ S10;t;L `reSf - <br /> _Tr% -„ „n041- S%LCoKcAAfy <br /> X. PERSONNEL PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> AS OF 1/1/05, THE "DESIGNATED UST OPERATOR” IDENTIFIED IN SECTION III OF THE CURRENT UST OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATION— <br /> FACILITY FORM WILL HAVE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY FOR PERFORMING THE MONITORING ACTIVITIES AND MAINTAINING LEAK DETECTION <br /> EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS PLAN,AND WILL PERFORM AND DOCUMENT MINIMUM MONTHLY VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF THE FACILITY'S <br /> UST SYSTEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH 23 CCR§2715(b). <br /> XI. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE <br /> CERTIFICATION:I certify that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. <br /> OWNE WPESIGNATURE RE RESENTING DATE: M91. <br /> �-�— <br /> ❑ er M90. � 2 <br /> Operator o <br /> OWNER/OPERA R NAME(p t: M92. OWNER/OPERATOR TITLE: M93. <br /> (f,l-A4 M4 Wl'c� nenw_ Pna er 1l <br /> (Agency Use Only) This plan has been reviewed and: >JTApproved ❑Approved With Conditions/ ❑/Disapp�rooved <br /> Local Agency Signature: ��1� .._��� Date: (,� !� 6✓ <br /> Comments/Special Conditions: <br /> SJCEHD-d(07/03)-3/4 07/23/03 <br />