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SAN J 0 A Q U 1 N Environmental Health Department <br /> U ; i y 1 Iii <br /> Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Inspection Report <br /> Facility Name: Facility Address: I Date: <br /> TRACY HIGH SCHOOL 315 E ELEVENTH ST,TRACY June 27, 2019 <br /> its hazardous waste label." and "Note: Employee states that used oil tank is used during the school year for the <br /> auto shop class; since we did not have access to the gated area we do not know how much used oil is in the <br /> used oil tank or if the oil filter crusher machine had any filters or oil in it." <br /> - Item 605 added to inspection report due to the following observations "In the biology room E104 an <br /> approximately 20 ounce lab pack container observed with hazardous waste label lacking generator name and <br /> address and hazardous properties not checked and One oil filter crusher machine observed with a hazardous <br /> waste label with no name and address of generator, hazardous properties, physical state, composition <br /> (contents)and accumulation start date on it; in the auto shop parking lot." <br /> - Item 703 amended to replace the following line "Universal waste batteries shall managed in a way that <br /> prevents releases of any universal waste to the environment. <br /> Immediately place these batteries in a structurally sound container that is compatible with the battery and its <br /> contents."with the following lines "A universal waste handler shall contain any battery that shows evidence of <br /> leakage, spillage, or damage that could cause leakage under reasonably foreseeable conditions in a container. <br /> The container shall be closed, structurally sound, compatible with the battery and its contents, and shall lack <br /> evidence of leakage, spillage, or damage that could cause leakage under reasonably foreseeable conditions. <br /> Immediately store all universal waste lamps in structurally sound, closed containers and provide <br /> statement/documentation to EHD. " <br /> - Item 704 amended to change "surrounding"to "secure containment."Also amended to change the following <br /> line " Universal waste lamps shall be stored in a manner that prevents breakage and release to the environment. <br /> Immediately store all universal waste lamps in a manner that prevents breakage and release to the <br /> environment."to the following lines "A universal waste handler shall contain any lamp in a container or package <br /> that is structurally sound, adequate to prevent breakage, and compatible with the contents of the lamp. Such a <br /> container or package shall remain closed and shall lack evidence of leakage, spillage or damage that could <br /> cause leakage under reasonably foreseeable conditions. Immediately store all universal waste lamps in <br /> structurally sound, closed containers and provide state ment/documentation to EHD. " <br /> - Item 713 amended to include "One 30 gallon container with universal waste lamps observed with no universal <br /> waste label." <br /> - Item 715 amended to change "2017, 2018, 2019"to "June 27th 2016 to June 27th 2019." <br /> Inspector provided: Return to compliance certification, free CUPA classes flier <br /> Waste streams observed: Used oil, metal fines, Used lamps, used alkaline batteries, used rags, lab pack, used <br /> parts washer waste, used antifreeze <br /> Note: Amount of hazardous waste generated at this facility could not be determined due to facility not being able <br /> to provide disposal receipts or manifest due to head maintenance employee, AL, not being present. <br /> FA0010049 PR0517918 SCO01 06/27/2019 <br /> EHD 22-01 Rev.9/20/2019 Page 9 of 10 Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator OIR <br /> 1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 1 T 209 468-3420 1 F 209 464-0138 1 <br />