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Environmental Impact Report No. ER -93-1 <br />The Environmental Review Officer has determined that the project may have a significant impact on the <br />environment and hereby gives notice that an Environmental Impact Report is to be prepared in <br />accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended. <br />APPLICATION: <br />The applicant has submitted Use Permit Application No. UP -93-4 for a materials recovery and transfer <br />facility. <br />PROJECT: <br />The proposed Tracy Materials Recovery Facility is located on 38.8 acres on the west side of MacArthur <br />Drive, south of Linne Road, south of the City of Tracy. This facility will accept all refuse from the City of <br />Tracy and portions of the unincorporated south County area. The facility will be designed to <br />accommodate 500 to 600 tons of material per day and will provide two primary functions: transfer of <br />waste to the County's foothill landfill, and recovery of materials for recycling. Please see Attachment A <br />for a more detailed project description. <br />PROJECT SIZE: 38.8 acres. <br />LOCATION: <br />The project is located south of the City of Tracy, on the west side of MacArthur Drive, south of Linne <br />Road. The majority of the site is within a large reclaimed gravel pit approximately 30 to 35 feet deep. <br />A. Biological Resources: <br />The project area is the site of an abandoned and reclaimed gravel quarry. Vegetation on the site <br />consists primarily of annual grasses. Development of the site as proposed may have potentially <br />significant impacts relative to biological resources. The Natural Diversity Data Base identifies the <br />following special status species as potentially being in the project area: Swainson's hawk, San <br />Joaquin kit fox, valley elderberry longhorn beetle, tricolored blackbird, and burrowing owl. Two <br />other special status species, the California horned lark and the loggerhead shrike, have also been <br />observed in the general project area. As part of the application materials submitted, the <br />applicants included a San Joaquin kit fox surrey prepared by Jones and Stokes under contract <br />to the applicant. This survey concluded that no kit foxes den or forage on the project site and <br />that there are no historical records of kit fox occurrence at the project site. Recent kit fox surveys <br />conducted by EIP Associates, as part of the Habitat Conservation Plan being prepared for San <br />Joaquin County, have recorded kit fox presence at two sites within 3 to 3.5 miles of the project <br />site. One kit fox was observed near the Tracy Golf and Country Club, and a kit fox track was <br />observed in an open field near the intersection of Linne Road and Tracy Boulevard. There was <br />also an unconfirmed kit fox sighting at the Tracy Municipal Airport in 1992. <br />There are numerous Swainson's hawk nests located within approximately 6 to 10 miles of the site. <br />Notice of Preparation - 1 - ER -93-1 <br />