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TRACY MATERIALS RECOVERY&TRANSFER FACILITY <br /> RFI AMENDMENT NO. 3 <br /> The evaporation pond was sized for the wood storage and yard waste <br /> composting area where the quantity of run-off estimated to be generated is from <br /> a 100-year/24-hour precipitation event. Two feet of freeboard was part of the <br /> design criteria. During major events, if necessary, the pond will be pumped to <br /> maintain capacity. Reviewing Appendix E of the RFI, the composting area was <br /> expected to be 90,000 square feet. <br /> Operation Modifications: <br /> Figure 3 — RFI Amendment— Site Plan Modifications (March 2006) depicts <br /> the current operations over previous Figure 3- Preliminary Site Plan of 1993. The <br /> yard waste composting area and wood waste composting area have both been <br /> expanded and separated. The wood waste processing area has expanded into <br /> the area designated for future expansion, to total 108,070 square feet of <br /> operations area. The yard waste composting area now totals 150,000 square feet <br /> with a recent paving expansion just west of the evaporation pond. <br /> Regulatory Changes: <br /> Since 1993, there have been regulatory changes as well for wood waste <br /> processing and yard waste composting. Run-off from wood waste processing in <br /> considered an industrial activity needing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan <br /> (SWPPP) with the use of best management practices to manage the run-off, but <br /> is not considered a leachate generating activity where the run-off would have to <br /> be collected in the lined pond. Yard waste composting is considered a potential <br /> threat to ground water, where containment is still required. Recently proposed <br /> Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) by the Central Valley Regional Water <br /> Quality Control Board is requiring to be contained. All run-off from the yard waste <br /> composting area have been collected since the start of operations, and will <br /> continue to be collected. Run-off from the wood waste processing area, with the <br /> move into the future expansion area, has not been collected in the evaporation <br /> pond. <br /> Evaporation Pond Capacity: <br /> The pond was designed for 90,000 square feet based upon the 100-year, 24- <br /> hour storm where 20,000 cubic feet was designed to be contained with at least 2 <br /> feet of capacity. The approximate size of the evaporation pond was 200 feet wide <br /> and 70 wide. A copy of the As-Built Plan was obtained. The bottom of the pond <br /> slopes 0.5% with 3:1 slopes, scaled at 1 inch equals 30 feet. <br /> EBA Engineering, the original design engineers form 1993, reviewed the as-builts <br /> plans, and determine the pond has a total capacity of 57,500 cubic feet to the top <br /> of the lined pond (memo from August 1, 2006 is attached). <br /> Design Storm: <br /> The design storm from the 1993 RFI is 20,000 cubic feet based upon a water <br /> balance calculation for the most critical time period of December and January for <br /> 90,000 square feet, and was determined to be 17,000 cubic feet for the annual <br /> average. EBA determined that the 100-year, 24-hour storm event can be <br /> EDGAR&ASSOCIATES, INC. 9 NOVEMBER 6, 2006 <br />