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Following completion of the drilling operation, a 2-inch diameter PVC well will be installed <br /> in the borings. The soil borings will be advanced approximately 10 feet into groundwater. <br /> The wells will be constructed with schedule 40 PVC, a 15-foot long, .010-inch screened <br /> section surrounded by and covered by clean sand filter pack (#2/3), 3-foot thick bentonite <br /> transition seal above the filter pack, and grouted to the surface. The wells will be finished <br /> with a locking pressure cap situated within a monument style well vault. See the <br /> Proposed Diagram of Well Construction (Plate 4). <br /> 4.3 MONITORING WELL LOCATION SURVEY <br /> Once the monitoring wells have been installed, the top of each well will be surveyed by a <br /> professional surveyor so that depth to groundwater measurements in the wells can be <br /> converted to groundwater elevations used to assess the groundwater gradient. The wells <br /> will be surveyed relative to a local benchmark. If a local benchmark is not available near <br /> the site, the wells will be surveyed relative to an onsite, assumed benchmark with an <br /> assigned elevation. The wells will be surveyed as described in Appendix A-3.4. <br /> 4.4 MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT <br /> A minimum of 48 hours after installation, the monitoring wells will be developed to <br /> remove fine silt from the well bore and to effectively increase the hydraulic radius of <br /> each monitoring well. Surging along the screened interval of the well will be performed <br /> to draw the sediment from the formation into the filter pack and the well and to set the <br /> sand pack. The monitoring wells will be developed as described in Appendix A.3.2. In <br /> addition to developing the monitoring wells until the discharge runs relatively clear of <br /> fines, the discharge will be periodically monitored for pH, temperature, and specific <br /> conductance to record stable groundwater parameters during the development task. <br /> The well development purge water will discharged to the ground surface. <br /> 4.5 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION REPORT <br /> Upon completion of the field activities and receipt of the monitoring well location survey, a <br /> report of findings will be prepared for client and agency review. The report will include: <br /> • Copies of EHD permits obtained for the well installation; <br /> • A description of the field activities, observations, and protocols; <br /> • Well location survey data and a graphical representation of well locations; <br /> • Lithologic logs and well construction diagrams; <br /> 67451.WP1/ST06R295/FB:ly Page 6 of 14 <br /> ©2006 Kleinfelder, Inc. March 31,2006 <br />