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i <br /> 26 October 2001 <br /> I AGE-NC Project No 01-0839 <br /> Page 2 of 8 <br /> feet bsg and from the stockpiled soil excavated from the UST excavation Soil samples were <br /> analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g), volatile aromatic <br /> compounds - benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX), and fuel oxygenates - <br /> di-Isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl-tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), methyl-tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), <br /> tertiary-amyl methyl ether (TAME) and tertiary butanol (TBA) <br /> The three USTs were located at the southeast end of the site During the UST removals, a total of <br /> seven soil samples (1T through 3T), two from beneath each 10,000-gallon UST and three from <br /> I beneath the 12,000-gallon UST were collected from the floor of the UST excavation A total of nine <br /> soil samples, one from beneath each product dispenser(D 1 through D-5) and one beneath every 20 <br /> linear feet of product piping(P 1 through P4)were collected Also,four two-part composite samples <br /> (SP-1 through SP-4) were collected from the soil stockpile <br /> TPH-g was detected in three of the seven soil samples collected beneath the former USTs at <br /> I concentrations of 1 0 mg/kg {].TC-15 5), 2,300 mg/kg (2TW-15 5) and 1 1 mg/kg (3TW-15 5) <br />` TPH-g was also detected in one of the five soil sample collected beneath the product dispensers at <br /> a concentration of 17 mg/kg (D2-3) and in one of the four samples from the stockpiled soil at a <br /> I concentration of 1 0 mg/kg(SP-1) Toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes were detected in UST <br /> sample 2TW-15 5 at concentrations of 1 1 mg/kg, 8 4 mg/kg and 70 mg/kg, respectively Toluene <br /> and total xylenes were detected in soil sample P44 at concentrations of 0 005 mg/kg and 0 016 <br /> mg/kg, respectively <br /> MTBE was detected in 15 of the 20 soil samples collected during the UST removals at <br /> Econcentrations as high as 17 mg/kg (132-3) Every Soil sample collected under the dispensers <br /> contained detectable concentrations of MTBE TBA was detected in soil sample 1TE-15 5 at a <br /> concentration of 1 3 mg/kg and in all four stockpile soil samples at concentrations as high as 0 67 <br /> mg/kg A summary of soil analytical results are presented in Table 1 <br /> 23 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC/HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING <br /> I The site is located within the southern San Joaquin Valley which comprises part of the Great Valley <br /> geomorphic province of California The San Joaquin Valley is formed by the Great Valley <br /> geosyncline, which is a large, elongate,northwest-trending asymmetrical structural trough (basin) <br /> I It is bordered by the Coast Ranges to the west, the Klamath Mountains and Cascade Range to the <br /> north, and the Sierra Nevada to the east This trough has been filled with sediments derived from <br /> both marine and continental sources Thickness of the sedimentary fill ranges from thin veneers <br /> along the valley edges to more than 20,000 feet in the south central portion of the valley The <br /> sedimentary formations range in age with the older deposits being primarily manne in origin and the <br /> younger deposits being primarily continental Continental-derived sediments were primarily <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />