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COMMUNITY <br /> F V E L 5 Process Hazardous Waste Management <br /> stk- EHS- POL-015 . c <br /> 8 . Batteries — Automotive Lead Acid — this waste has special requirements . If the facility generates <br /> automotive battery waste, ask your supervisor how to manage it . <br /> 9 . Empty containers > 5 gallon size — empty containers greater than 5 gallons in size that previously <br /> contained a hazardous material are not considered a hazardous waste if they are empty and <br /> managed as defined below : <br /> a . Definition of " Empty" — the material in the container cannot be poured or drained from <br /> the container no matter the orientation and no material can be removed by any physical <br /> means, excluding rinsing and abrasive blasting . Means for emptying containers include, for <br /> pourable materials, pumping, aspirating, and draining . For non - pourable materials, this <br /> includes scraping and chipping . Container with an inner liner are considered empty when <br /> the liner has been removed . <br /> b . Containers that contained acutely ( P - listed ) or extremely hazardous waste ( California - <br /> identified ) are considered empty if they are triple rinsed using a solvent capable of <br /> removing the material or cleansed by another equivalent method . (the rinsate is <br /> considered hazardous waste ) . Triple rinsing requires DTSC permitting . However, if the <br /> rinsate is recycled and reused within the facility within 90 days of generation , the triple <br /> rinsing is exempt from permitting requirements . <br /> c . Contaminated containers made of absorbent material ( e . g . wood , paper, cardboard, <br /> fabric, etc . ) do not qualify for exemption and must be managed as hazardous waste . <br /> d . Empty containers must be labeled " EMPTY" and marked with the date the container <br /> became empty . Labels may not be removed or painted over to prevent the identification <br /> of prior contents of the container . <br /> e . Shipping Papers — if the empty container is removed by a drum - recycling contractor, then <br /> the container is not considered hazardous waste and a hazardous waste manifest is not <br /> required ; a Bill of Lading must be obtained instead . If the container is disposed of as waste, <br /> then it is considered hazardous waste and hazardous waste manifest is required . <br /> f. Transport — Non - hazardous . <br /> g . Empty containers that are closed and sealed, and have the original product label , may be <br /> picked up for recycling by the waste management company . <br /> 10 . Empty containers < 5 gallons size — empty containers 5 gallon in size or smaller that previously <br /> contained a hazardous material are not considered a hazardous waste if they are empty ( see <br /> definition above ) . These containers can be managed as general refuse/garbage if the landfill/waste <br /> management company handling the waste accepts them . The landfill should be contacted before <br /> disposing these containers in the regular trash . If disposed of as general trash , there are no <br /> 8 <br /> E <br /> I <br />