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i <br />' 21 May 2003 <br /> • AGE-NC Project No 95-0130 <br /> IPage 4of16 <br /> I summarized in Tables 2 and 3 Results of the December 1994 investigation were reported <br /> in Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation Report (PIER) dated 10 April 1995, prepared <br /> by Geological Audit Services, Inc <br /> • December 1995 - Three soil vapor extraction(SVE) wells (VW-1, VW-2 and VW-3) were <br /> advanced to depths of 63 feet bsg near the former UST areas, one ground water monitoring <br /> well (MW-4) was advanced to a depth of 75 feet bsg and located approximately 60 feet <br />' southeast (crossgradient) of the former UST area TPH-g and BTEX-impacted soil was <br /> encountered in all three SVE wells at depths of 15 feet to 60 feet at concentrations as high <br />' as 7,400 mg/kg, petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in soil samples collected from <br /> MW-4 Dissolved TPH-g was not detected in initial ground water samples collected from <br /> MW-4 However, TPH-g and benzene were detected from MW-4 subsequent sampling <br />' events at concentrations as high as 78 µg/1 and 10 µg/l,respectively(Table 3) Results of the <br /> December 1995 investigation were reported in Corrective Action Plan (CAP), dated 20 <br /> March 1996, prepared by AGE <br />' • January 1996-One ground water monitoring well(MW-5)was advanced approximately 50 <br /> feet northwest (crossgradient) of the former UST area to a depth of 70 feet TPH-g and <br /> BTEX-impacted soil was encountered at depths of 45 and 50 feet at concentrations as high <br />'• as 940 mg/kg TPH-g and BTEX-impacted ground water was detected in the initial sample <br /> from MW-5 at a concentration of 23,000 µg/1 (Tables 2 and 3) Results of the January 1996 <br />' investigation were reported in the above referenced CAP <br /> • January 1996 An 8-hour SVE pilot test was conducted at the site by inducing a vacuum <br /> from well VW-1B (screened 28 to 43 feet bsg), ground water was measured approximately <br />' 55 feet bsg TPH-g and BTEX compounds were detected from influent SVE air flow samples <br /> at concentrations as high as 95,000µg/1 Significant vacuum was measured from monitoring <br /> points VW-IA, VW-1C, VW-2A,VW-2B, VW-3A, no measurable vacuum was observed <br />' at MW-3, located 35 feet east of VW-1 Based on the observed results, a theoretical radius <br /> of influence for SVE at VW-1B was projected at approximately 30 feet (Figure 4) Results <br /> of the January 1996 investigation were reported in the above referenced CAP <br />' April 2000-Five soil borings(CPT-1,CPT-1 A,CPT-2,CPT-2A and CPT-3)were advanced <br /> on- and off- site to approximately 105 feet bsg utilizing cone penetrometer testing (CPT) <br />' technology to characterize the geologic and hydrologic framework and to assess preferential <br /> migration pathways Laboratory analysis of grab water samples detected substantial <br /> petroleum-impact from CPT-lA and CPT-2A to depths of 105 feet bsg (Table 4) Results <br />' of the April 2000 CPT investigation were reported in Quarterly Report - Second Quarter <br /> 2000, dated 31 July 2000,prepared by AGE <br />' September 2001 -AGE installed two multi-level groundwater monitoring wells(MW-6 and <br /> MW-7) to depths of approximately 142 feet bsg at the site to assess the vertical extent of <br /> petroleum-impact Screen intervals were installed at depths between 35 and 45 feet bsg <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />