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21 May 2003 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0130 <br /> Page 5 of 16 <br /> I (Interval A),50 and 55 feet bsg(Interval B),70 and 75 feet bsg(Interval C), 100 and 110 feet <br /> bsg(Interval D)and between 125 and 142 feet bsg(Interval E) TPH-g and BTEX-impacted <br /> water was detected from both wells at sampling intervals B, C,D and E at concentrations as <br /> high as 160,000µg11,MTBE-impacted water was detected from MW-6(B and C)and MW-7 <br /> (B, C and D) at concentrations as high as 420 gg/l, 1,2-DCA was detected in samples <br /> collected from MW-6(B and C)and from MW-7B at concentrations as high as 210µg11 Soil <br />' and ground water analytical results are summarized in Tables 2 and 3 Results of the <br /> September 2001 investigation were reported in Multi-Level Monitoring Well Installation <br /> Report- Third Quarter 2001, dated 01 March 2002, prepared by AGE <br />' September 2002 - AGE performed a `Ground Water Extraction Capture Zone Analysis' to <br /> estimate the theoretical area that would be influenced during ground water extraction <br />' activities at the site Based on the analysis, a theoretical down-gradient capture zone of <br /> 54 feet was calculated, upgradient from the extraction well, the capture zone would extend <br /> 1.70 feet to each side of the stream line moving directly toward the extraction well(Figure 3) <br />' Between January 1995 and March 2003, thirty ground water monitoring events were performed at <br /> the site to monitor dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in ground water and to <br />'0 characterize ground water flow direction and gradient on the site (Table 3) Generally, TPH-g and <br /> BTEX was detected in water samples collected from wells MW-1, MW-2,MW-3,MW-6 (A,B, C, <br /> D and E), MW-7 (B, C, D and E), VW-1 (B and C), VW-2 (A and B) and VW-3 (A and B) at <br />' concentrations as high as 390,000 pLgd and BTEX compounds as high as 92,000 gg/l Generally, <br /> MTBE was detected in the same wells at concentrations as high as 440,000 gg/l, low concentrations <br />' of tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME), tert butanol (TBA), ethylene dibromide (EDB) and <br /> 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA)were detected from wells MW-1, MW-2,MW-3, MW-6 (B and C), <br /> MW-7B,VW-i (B and C),VW-2(B and C)and VW-3A on isolated occurrences Analytical results <br />' of ground water sampling events performed at the site are summarized in Tables 3 <br />' 3.0. SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Based on the results of the above-referenced ground water extraction Capture Zone Analysis for the <br />' site in September 2002, and based on an SVE pilot test performed at the site in January 1996,AGE <br /> proposes to install, operate and maintain (1) an interim ground water pump-and-treat remediation <br /> system utilizing two new ground water extraction wells(EW-1 and EW-2) and dedicated low-flow <br />' groundwater submersible pumps,and(2)an interim SVE remediation system utilizing existing SVE <br /> wells VW-1, VW-2 and VW-3 <br />' Drilling and interim remediation field activities will consist of the following tasks <br /> • <br /> tAdvanced GeoEnvironmentai,Inc <br /> 1 <br />