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' 27 February 2004 <br /> . AGE-NC Project No 95-0130 <br /> IPage 3 of 6 <br /> 3.4 FINDINGS <br />' Ground water elevation flow direction and gradient were determined from field data collected on <br /> 10 November 2003 The contaminant impact to groundwater was quantified by laboratory analysis <br />' of water samples <br />' 3 1 GROUND WATER ELEVATION AND GRADIENT <br />' The depths to ground water from the purged wells were measured between 43 39 and 44 52 feet <br /> below the top of the well casings Ground water elevations were calculated to be between 27 27 <br /> (MW-6A) feet and 28 33 (MW-7E) feet below mean sea level (MSL) Generally, ground water <br /> elevation at the site decreased an average 0 77 feet between the August 2003 and the November 2003 <br /> ground water monitoring events First zone (between 35 and 55 feet) ground water flow direction <br /> at the Top Filling Station was Inferred to be towards the northeast at an approximate gradient of <br />' 0 007 ft/ft, and at the Knowles-Roek site ground water was inferred to be towards the east at an <br /> approximate gradient of 0 003 ft/ft Second zone (between 55 and 85 feet bsg) ground water flow <br /> direction at both sites was Inferred to be towards the east-northeast at a gradient of 0 004 ft/ft or less, <br />' and at the Knowles-Roek site ground water in the second zone was inferred to be towards the east <br /> to northeast at an approximate gradient of 0 004 ft/ft The ground water elevation data collected <br /> during the November 2003 ground water monitoring event is depicted in Figures 3 and 4 <br /> 3 2 LABORATORY RESULTS OF MONITORING WELL GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br />' A total of sixteenound water les were submitted to Cal Tech Environmental Laboratories, <br /> �' samples <br />' a DHS-certified laboratory, for analysis referenced in Section 2 3 <br /> TPH-g was detected in water samples collected from wells MW-3, MW-5, MW-6 (A - E), MW-7 <br />' (D -E),MW-8,VW-1C, VW-2A and VW-3A at concentrations as high as 140,000 micrograms per <br /> liter (µg/l) in the sample collected from VW-2A <br />' Benzene was detected in the above monitoring well samples at a maximum concentration of 23,000 <br /> µg/1 (VW-IC) Other BTEX compounds were detected in the above monitoring well samples at <br /> concentrations as high as 75,000 µg/1 (toluene from VW-1C) <br />' MTBE was detected in ground water samples collected from wells MW-3,MW-6(A-E),VW-1 C, <br /> VW-2A and VW-3A at concentrations as high as 5,400 µg/1 (MW-6B), 1,2-DCA was detected in <br />' ground water samples collected from wells VW-IC, VW-2A and VW-3A at concentrations as high <br /> as 380 µg/l (VW-2A) <br /> Advanced GeOEnvironmentai,In► <br /> 1 <br />