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i <br /> 27 February 2004 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0130 <br /> Page 4of6 <br /> No other fuel components were detected in the ground water samples Previous and current analytical <br /> Iresults of ground water monitoring well samples are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 The laboratory <br /> reports (Cal Tech Environmental Laboratories I D No 0311-068) and chain-of-custody forms are <br /> presented in Appendix C <br /> I4.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> The Implications from the November 2003 ground water monitoring event are as follows <br />' - Ground water at depths between 35 and 80 feet bsg (Hydrologic units 1, 2 and 3) was <br /> Inferred to be towards the east-northeast at a gradient of 0 007 feet/feet or less(Figures 3 and <br /> 4) <br />' - Between January 1995 and August 2001, ground water elevations at the site generally <br /> Increased from 44 feet to 23 feet below MSL, since August 2001 and present day, ground <br />' water elevations have generally fluctuated between 24 feet and 27 feet below MSL(Table 2) <br /> • The decrease of ground water elevation of approximately 0 77 feet between the August 2003 <br />' • and the November 2003 monitoring events may be due to seasonal ground water fluctuation <br /> Ground water at the site was generally observed between 43 and 44 feet bsg and was above <br /> the screened intervals of wells MW-1 through MW-5,MW-6(B-E),MW-7(B-E), VW-1C, <br />' VW-2A and VW-3A (I e screened below ground water elevation), and may not yield <br /> samples fully representative of shallowest ground water conditions <br />' - The greatest concentrations of Top Filling Station dissolved TPH-g and BTEX were detected <br /> in samples collected from wells VW-2A and VW-1C (Figures 5 and 7, area immediately <br /> north of the office building) which Is consistent with previous monitoring results TPH-g <br /> 1 concentrations were detected as high as 140,000 µg/l from well VW-2A Additionally, the <br /> deepest detection of dissolved TPH-g and BTEX were detected in samples collected from <br /> well MW-713, immediately north of the office building <br /> r - The greatest concentrations of Top Filling Station dissolved MTBE were detected In the <br /> samples collected from wells VW-3A(screened 43 to 63 feet) and MW-6B (screened 50 to <br />' 55 feet) which are located Immediately south and southeast of the office building (Figures <br /> 6 and 8) <br /> Significant concentrations of 1,2-DCAwere detected orhave consistently been detected from <br />' wells MW-2, MW-3, MW-6B, MW-6C, MW-7A, MW-7B, VW-IB, VW-1C, VW-2A, <br /> VW-2B and VW-3A indicating a significant 1,2-DCA-Impact to ground water at the site <br />' - TBA was not detected In any of the analyzed water samples,however, TBA was previously <br /> detected In wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-5, VW-1C, VW-2A, VW-2B and VW-3A, <br /> suggesting a minor TBA-Impact to ground water at the site <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br /> 1 <br />