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Well Installation and Site lnvesti anon Re ort <br /> ARCO Facility No.5469 <br /> Stockton,California <br /> Page 4 <br /> using the Unified Soil Classification System. Boring logs detailing soil lithologies are <br /> presented in Appendix B. Well locations are shown on Figure 2. <br /> The initial 5 feet of each boring were advanced with a hand auger and/or post hole digger <br /> to reduce the possibility of damaging underground utilities. Soil samples were collected <br /> during the advancement of the borings using a California-type, split-spoon sampler. <br /> Samples were collected for lithologic description only; samples were not retained for <br /> laboratory analysis. <br /> Well Installation <br /> Wells IW-1 through IW-5 were constructed to depths ranging between 53.5 and 63 feet <br /> bgs. The screened portion (sparge point) of each well consisted of 2-inch diameter by <br /> 30-inch long microporous tubing, installed near the base of each soil boring. Stratus <br /> attempted to situate the microporous tubing sparge point across the soil horizon most <br /> likely to provide the largest radius of influence around each ozone injection well. The <br /> sparge points were installed across the first sandy interval encountered in the boreholes <br /> between approximately 15 and 25 feet below the average static water levels measured in <br /> the site monitoring wells (approximately 38 feet bgs). Blank PVC casing (0.75-inch <br /> diameter) was connected to the sparge point and installed up to surface grade. The <br /> standard "O-rings" installed on the casing joints by the manufacturer (Boart Longyear) <br /> were replaced with VitonTM "O-rings", which are manufactured to resist degradation by <br /> ozone. A filter pack of LonestarT" #2/12 sand was placed around the sparge point from <br /> the base of the boring to approximately 2 feet above the top of the sparge point. <br /> Approximately 2 feet of bentonite was placed on top of the filter pack to provide a <br /> sanitary seal for the well. The boring was subsequently backfilled with neat cement up to <br /> j surface grade. A 12-inch diameter traffic rated vault box was placed over the top of each <br /> well. Well details and California Department of Water Resources (DWR) well <br /> completion forms for wells IW-1 through IW-5 are presented in Appendix B. <br /> Waste Mana ement <br /> Drill cuttings generated during the field activities were placed on, and covered with,plastic <br /> sheeting and stored on site. Wastewater was placed into 55-gallon steel drums and stored <br /> on site pending disposal. Dillard Trucking Company of Byron, California, transported the <br /> soil and wastewater to a licensed facility for disposal. <br /> C?T Testing and Direct ]Push Sampling <br /> A Stratus geologist was onsite to oversee Gregg In-Situ, Inc.(Gregg [C57 #656407]) <br /> complete the CPT testing and direct push soil sampling on November 18, 2002. The CPT <br /> method consists of advancing a cone-tipped cylindrical probe (1.7 inches in diameter) <br /> into the ground while simultaneously measuring the resistance to penetration. The CPT <br /> P:1Bp-Arco for URS154691Reports15469report20o3.doc <br />