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f <br /> I <br /> Influent Water .S'am <br /> On October 26, 2001, ASE collected an influent water sample (INF 10-26- <br /> 01) This sample was analyzed by Kiff Analytical of Davis, California (FLAP <br /> #2236) for TPH-G, BTEX, and the five fuel oxygenates by EPA Method <br /> 8260B The analytical results for this sample are tabulated in the Tables <br />' Section of this report as Table One The influent water sample analytical <br /> report and chain of custody record is attached in Appendix B A graph <br />' showing the historical TPH-G concentrations in the influent water samples <br /> is attached in the Graph Section of this report <br />' Monthly Fuel Rer-overy Calculations <br /> The influent TPH-G concentration was used to calculate the estimated <br /> mass removed from the site during the month based on total gallons <br />' treated The Monthly Performance Log is presented as Table Two in the <br /> Tables Section of this report It shows that based on the number of <br />' gallons extracted in the month of October 2001, which was 116,760 <br /> gallons, and assuming a constant TPH-G concentration of 8,000 parts p e r <br /> billion in the influent water stream, the system recovered 1 27 gallons of <br />' gasoline from the groundwater beneath the site To date, it is estimated <br /> that 12632 gallons of gasoline have been removed from the subsurface <br />'. DOWNGRADIENT-MONITORING WELL <br />' Monitoring wells MW-13, MW-14, MW-15, MW-16, and MW-19 are used to <br /> track the hydrocarbon concentrations of the groundwater downgradient <br /> of the recovery wells These wells are located across West Yosemite <br />' Avenue approximately 90 feet downgradient of the recovery wells, and are <br /> the closest observation points to determine if the plume leaving the site is <br /> being remediated Since the start-up of the interim groundwater <br />' remediation system, hydrocarbon concentrations within these monitoring <br /> wells have generally dropped one to two orders of magnitude <br /> FREE-FLOATING PRODUCT IDENTIFICAIJON <br />' During field activities on June 14, 2001, ASE identified free-floating <br /> hydrocarbons on the groundwater surface in monitoring wells MW-5 and <br /> MW-6 and piezometer P-4 The product was subsequently identified as <br />' aged gasoline Since its discovery, product has occasionally been found in <br /> the NEEP system tank floating on the water surface ASE has been <br /> removing this product from the NEEP tank and storing 1t on-site in a drum <br />' for future off-site disposal On a per-visit basis, ASE has also been <br /> • measuring and bailing the product from the wells Monitoring well MW-5 <br />' no longer has a measurable amount of product Monitoring well MW-6 <br /> Frank's One Stop Remediation System Monthly Report — October 2001 <br />' -3 - <br />