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28 June 1999 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 97-0333 <br /> Page 3 of 9 <br /> 23 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING <br /> The property is situated within the Great Valley Geomorphic Province of California, a large, <br /> elongate, northwest trending, asymmetnc structural trough The Great Valley Province has been <br /> filled with thick sequences of sediment ranging in age from Jurassic to Recent, creating a nearly flat- <br /> lying alluvial plain,extending from the Tehachapi Mountains in the south to the Klamath Mountains <br /> in the north The westem and eastern boundaries of this province are comprised of the California <br /> Coast Range and the Sierra Nevada,respectively Rocks composing the basement complex of the <br /> province have not been completely defined but are believed to be metamorphic and igneous in <br /> origin The northern and southem portions of the Great Valley Province have been designated the <br /> Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, respectively. <br /> Based on the General Soil Map from the San Joaquin County Soil Survey, published by the United <br /> States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service in 1992,the site area is within the Dellu- <br /> Ventas-Tlmmn(DVT) association The DVT soils are located within dunes, alluvial fans and stream <br /> terraces along the Stanislaus River, and generally consist of well drained coarse textured soils The <br /> soils are generally derived from both marine and non-manne sediment, and are generally formed in <br /> . alluvium derived from granitic and mixed rock sources <br /> 24 GROUND WATER DEPTH AND GRADIENT <br /> The estimated depth to ground water at the site Is approximately 24 feet below surface grade (bsg) <br /> based on information from Lines of Equal Depth of Water Wells Fall 1997, published by the San <br /> Joaquin County Flood Control District and Water Conservation District(SJCFCD) Based on review <br /> of a regional ground water elevation map published by the SJCFCD, the prevailing ground water <br /> flow direction in Manteca is generally toward the northwest, although flow directions may be both <br /> locally and seasonably variable <br /> Based on data collected during the April 1999 investigation, first observed saturated soil Aas <br /> between 15 feet bsg and 20 feet bsg <br /> 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Based on the results of the previous investigations and UST removal activities, soil and ground water <br /> at the site has been Impacted The lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil and ground water must <br /> be determined prior to the initiation of remediation The assessment activities will consist of the <br /> following tasks <br /> Advanced GeoEm Ironmental,Inc <br />