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Environmental Health Department <br /> SAN JOAQUIN 1 ° i <br /> I I <br /> QrJ a <br /> Underground Storage Tank Program Inspection Report <br /> Facility Name : Facility Address : Date : <br /> DSS COMPANY 655 W CLAY ST , STOCKTON July 26 , 2019 <br /> UST System Observations <br /> 314 HSC 25290 . 1 , 25290 .2 , Failed to have secondary containment or secondary containment not tight ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 25291 <br /> 315 HSC 25291 (e ) Water in secondary containment not removed , analyzed , and properly disposed of (pre-Jul 2003) ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 316 HSC 25290 . 1 (c3), Secondary containment not constructed to prevent water intrusion (after Jul 2003 ) ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 25290 .2(c3) <br /> 317 CCR 2636 , 2643(c)( 1 ), Line leak detector (LLD ) not installed ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 2666 <br /> 318 CCR 2666(c) , 2643 (c)(1 Leak detector failed to detect a 3 . 0 gallons per hour leak at 10 pounds per square inch ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 319 CCR 2635 , 2637 . 1 , No spill bucket, failed to contain 5 gallons , no means to keep it empty, orfailed to be tested ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 2665 , 2712 <br /> 320 CCR 26355 2637 .23 Failure to comply with the installation , inspection , or record keeping of the overfill prevention ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 2665 , 2712 <br /> 321 CCR 2635(b)(2) Overfill prevention was overridden ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 322 HSC 25281 .6 (a ) Unburied below grade emergency generator system failed to meet exemption status ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 323 HSC 25283 .5 (a ) Unburied below grade UST system failed to meet exemption status ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 324 CCR 2717 . 1 (g ) Tampered with red tag ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 325 CCR 2717 . 1 (f) Deposited petroleum into a red tagged UST ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 326 HSC 25299 (a)(9) Tampered with or disabled leak detection devices or alarms ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 327 CCR 2631 , 1 , 2660 (m) UST system not compatible with the substance stored ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 328 HSC 25298 Failed to comply with temporary closure requirements ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 329 HSC 25298 ; CCR 2670 , Failed to comply with all permanent closure requirements ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 2672 <br /> 330 CCR 2636 (f), 2666(c) , No LLD on the emergency generator that restricts or shuts off the flow or triggers an alarm ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 2666 <br /> 331 CCR 2630 (d ), 2641 (a ) Liquid does not flow into the sump in the event of a leak (i .e . , failure to remove test boot). ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 332 CCR 2631 (b&d ) , Primary and/or secondary containment not constructed in accordance with the established standards ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 2666(b&e <br /> 333 CCR 2635 , 2636(b), Failure to comply with the cathodic protection system requirements ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 2662 , 2712 <br /> 334 CCR 2666(b )(2 ) Single-walled pipe not upgraded to double-walled interstitially monitored pipe during repair ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 335 CCR 2630 , 2632 , 2643 , Equipment or methods used to monitor the UST system are not certified by an independent third-party ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 2644 . 1 <br /> Single -Walled Non -Pressurized Piping <br /> 401 CCR 2636(a )(3 ), 2641 (b Suction piping not properly sloped or incorrectly located check valve ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 402 CCR 2643(d ) No monitoring or record maintenance for single-walled conventional suction systems (pre-Jan 1984 ). ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 403 CCR 2643(d ), 2661 (f) Failure to conduct 0 . 1 gph test for single-walled conventional suction systems (pre-Jan 1984) ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 404 CCR 2643(e), 2661 (f) Biennial 0 . 1 gph line integrity test for single-walled gravity piping not performed (pre-Jan 1984 ) ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> Other Violations <br /> 2010 See below Unlisted General violation ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS <br /> (CLASS I, CLASS II, or MINOR - Notice to Comply) <br /> FA0003699 PR0231065 SCO01 07t26/2019 <br /> EHD 23-01 Rev, 09/28/2018 Page 3 of 4 Underground Storage Tank Program OIR <br /> 1868 E . Hazelton Avenue Stockton , California 95205 1 T 209 468 -3420 F 209 464 -0138 1 www . sjcehd . com <br />