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Lead Response To Comments <br /> Lead is a soft, bluish-white, silvery gray Written and/or email comments must be <br /> heavy toxic metal used in electronic circuit postmarked by May 10, 2006. Comments <br /> boards and may be found in some should be addressed to Violeta Mislang, <br /> insecticides, auto exhaust, industrial Project Manager, Department of Toxic <br /> emissions, and a variety of other products. Substances Control, 5796 Corporate <br /> Exposure to lead and lead compounds may Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630. Violeta can be <br /> occur from breathing air, drinking water, reached at (714) 484-5387 and via email at <br /> eating foods, swallowing or touching dust or vmislang(a) <br /> dirt contaminated with lead chemicals. Both <br /> children and adults are susceptible to health Once the 30-day comment period is over, <br /> effects from lead exposure. DTSC will review and respond to comments <br /> received. A document called a Response to <br /> Removal of Contaminated Soil From The Comments will be distributed to anyone who <br /> Site submitted coriiments. copies will also be <br /> It will take approximately 5 days to remove made available at the information <br /> and dispose of the contaminated soil from repositories listed in this fact sheet and to <br /> Building 1848. The concrete floor will be anyone who requests a copy. <br /> broken and removed from the vacant <br /> building using a backhoe and the California Environtmental QualityAct <br /> contaminated soil will be placed in covered Before DTSC can approve a proposed <br /> bins until they are full enough for trucks to Interim Measure, it must meet the <br /> move them to a landfill that handles this type requirements of a California state law known <br /> of contamination.Approximately 43 tons of as the California Environmental Quality Act <br /> contaminated soil will be removed. It will (commonly referred to as CEQA). The <br /> take approximately 2 to 3 truck loads per purpose of CEQA is to determine if a <br /> day to remove all of the contaminated soil. proposed project will impact the <br /> All trucks will be covered prior to leaving the environment. The Proposed Interim <br /> Site. This is done so dirt doesn't blow off Measure involves removal of a relatively <br /> the trucks. Bins holding contaminated soil small amount of lead contaminated soil in a <br /> on-Site during excavation will also be comparatively short period of time; <br /> covered, and dust at the Site will be kept therefore, DTSC has determined that the <br /> under control by watering down soil as it is Site Proposed Interim Measure qualifies for <br /> excavated. Confirmation samples (samples a categorical exemption under CEQA. The <br /> --taken after the excavation is done),WII-be Notice o Ex>xeemption will be available for <br /> taken to ensure that all of the contamination review during the public comment period. <br /> is removed. The excavation will be <br /> backfilled with clean soil and the building For More Information <br /> floor will be restored to its original condition. If you have any questions regarding the <br /> Proposed Interim Measure, please contact <br /> The Site will be fenced and secured prior to the following DTSC staff: <br /> and during the excavation and removal of <br /> contaminated soil. All work will be Violeta Mislang <br /> performed between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Project Manager <br /> Monday through Friday. The work is Department of Toxic Substances Control <br /> anticipated to begin in Spring 2006. 5796 Corporate Avenue <br />