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2 <br /> store's hazardous waste management program. Manifest#000284381 WAS, included in this response <br /> package, documents the removal of these items. <br /> The two aerosol cans found near the cardboard baler were managed through the store's hazardous <br /> waste management program. Manifest#000284381 WAS, included in this response package, <br /> documents the removal of these items. <br /> 2. Violation #30—Failed to keep a copy of the consolidated manifest for 3 years 25160.2 HSC. <br /> TSDF-signed copies of uniform hazardous waste manifests generated during the course of hazardous <br /> waste disposal for this Kmart facility are mailed to Sears Holdings corporate offices in Hoffman <br /> Estates, IL for reconciliation and retention. Copies of the completed manifests can be made available <br /> to the facility via email or fax upon demand. Included in this response package are TSDF-signed <br /> copies of uniform hazardous waste manifests for this facility from the last three (3) years. <br /> 3. Violation #57—Failed to manage incompatible wastes in containers properly 66265.17 <br /> CCR. <br /> It is Kmart's position that the storage of aerosol cans in separate plastic bags contained in sealed <br /> storage drums properly addresses the main hazard of concern -- flammability. Additional information <br /> regarding toxicity, corrosiveness, etc. is not included in product label information and is not <br /> consistently set forth on material safety data sheets. Generally,the active ingredient in most aerosols <br /> makes up a very small portion of the overall content of the container. The propellant,which is <br /> flammable, is generally the largest portion of the total product. Kmart therefore believes its system of <br /> storing aerosol containers in separate bags located inside of a sealed drum labeled as flammable is <br /> appropriate. <br /> 4. Violation #77, 82 and 83—Failed to properly manage, mark and store universal waste (UW) <br /> 662 73.33(a)-662 73.35CCR. <br /> The single alkaline battery found under racking in the stockroom was immediately moved into a <br /> properly labeled and dated plastic bucket designated for waste alkaline battery storage and shipment in <br /> the store's hazardous waste accumulation area. The store's accumulation of waste alkaline batteries <br /> will be shipped as soon as the bucket becomes full or on the anniversary of the bucket's accumulation <br /> start-date, whichever comes first. <br /> 5. Violation #93—Proper waste handling and emergency procedures 40 CFR Section <br /> 262.34(d)(5)(iii) The generator must ensure that all employees are thoroughly familiar with <br /> proper waste handling and emergency procedures, relevant to their responsibilities during <br /> normal facility operations and emergencies. <br /> Kmart cashier Stella Jaurigue no longer works in the Merchandise Claims & Control (MC&C)area <br /> and has no responsibility over hazardous waste handling and disposal. Jaurigue's level of coursework <br /> completion is now commensurate with her current job responsibilities. Kmart cash office employee <br /> Amber Walker has since been trained on proper hazardous waste handling and disposal procedures. <br />