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Complaint Investigation Summary Report #: 5105 <br />COMPLAINT ID: CODR7QOAQ Site Location: 1719 SIERRA LN <br />Activity Summary <br />Activity Date Recorded by <br />04/20/2021 Visited the house for a complaint sent by the owner's son Ron. Ron stated that the SUSZYCKI <br />house was involved in a fire and, since being vacated, has attracted squatters. <br />When I arrived I found the tall weeds and junk in front of the home The gate to the <br />backyard was locked but the front door was open. <br />I knocked on the door and yelled hello but no one answered. I stepped into the <br />building to take a picture then saw a woman sleeping on a mattress on the ground. <br />I told her that I was red tagging the building and that she needed to leave. Shortly <br />after that she left. The interior of the home had minor fire damage. <br />The detached garage door was open and it looked as if people may have been <br />attempting to live in there. <br />I posted the single family dwelling and the garage with a Notice to Vacate, a Notice <br />and Order to Abate, and a Notice to Secure. <br />Several of the neighbors spoke to me about the squatters as I was trying to leave <br />and I informed them to call the Sheriff if they come back. I also called the owner <br />and let him know that some one was in his house and the front door was open. I <br />also informed him about the postings. <br />See PR0546821. <br />04/29/2021 Abated the complaint to PR0546821. Turned the form in for review. SUSZYCKI <br />5105.rpt <br />Page 2 of 2