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P�I�CK-n-PULL <br />not have available integrity testing at the time of installation, EarthCon reached out to the <br />DTSC, on behalf of Pick -n -Pull, regarding requirements for tank testing. Through a series of <br />phone calls and emails from January through March 2019, DTSC clarified that tanks are <br />required to have integrity or leak testing and that Title 22 California Code of Regulations (CCR) <br />§ 66265 provides a number of ways in which that can be accomplished, including visual <br />inspections. Since testing records are not available for when the existing tanks were installed, it <br />is recommended that leak testing can be achieved by visual inspection. The tanks should be <br />inspected daily for leaks and/or damage by site personnel using the inspection form provided in <br />Appendix E or an equivalent Pick -n -Pull document. In the event that a tank is replaced in the <br />future, tank integrity testing should be done at the time of installation. <br />The Site is performing daily inspections of the tanks for leaks and/or damage as noted. <br />The notice also advises that "The certification attestations are also signed by Charina Gaspay <br />(Regional Environmental Manager) of PNP and not by the engineer". <br />Response: Although Charina did sign the attestation, there is also an included signature and <br />stamp of the Independent Qualified Professional Engineer (Thomas M. Hill, Professional <br />Engineer Registration number 28837) on the same signature page. <br />The referenced Hazardous Waste Tank Assessment report has been included as an attachment <br />(Attachment 2) to this letter for reference. <br />We hope that these responses to the outstanding referenced items noted in the received notice <br />meet the requirements of the County. Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, <br />please contact me at 916-223-3428. I may also be reached by email at mibrahim& <br />Sincerely, <br />Pick -n -Pull Auto Dismantlers <br />Mohamed Ibrahim <br />Reg. Environmental Manager <br />cc: Lucas Held, Pick -n -Pull Auto Dismantlers <br />Frank Millan, Pick -n -Pull Auto Dismantlers <br />Linda Shaffer, Schnitzer Steel Industries <br />Stockton Insp Resp_County_20210528 <br />