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k'q KLEINFELDER <br /> B-5 Vadose Zone Monitoring <br /> 1. Prior to conducting lysimeter sampling, the pressure-vacuum equipment is checked and <br /> cleaned. A Soil-Moisture hand pump with a pressure-vacuum gage is used to measure <br /> residual and implied pressure-vacuum. Nitrogen gas is used to purge the lysimeter <br /> system for sampling. An air pump is available as a back up. <br /> 2. Approximately one week to one month prior to conducting the sampling, the residual <br /> pressures at the air-line of each lysimeter are measured ad the vacuums reset to <br /> manufactured recommended value (usually 50 centibars). The measurements and applied <br /> vacuums are noted on a sampling log form. Kleinfelder has found that resetting the <br /> lysimeters vacuums before the sampling yields good sample recovery. <br /> 3. The residual pressures are measured just prior to collecting the sample. The water line is <br /> then opened and nitrogen gas applied to the air line until either fluid or air is discharged <br /> (for dry lysimeters). The sample is contained in a 1 liter unpreserved bottle and the <br /> volume recovered is estimated. The fluid is then poured into appropriate preserved or <br /> unpreserved bottles of the requested analysis. <br /> 4. After the sample is collected, the lysimeter vacuum is reset to the manufacturer's <br /> recommended value. The lysimeter is also tested to evaluate potential leaks that may <br /> cause vacuum pressure loss. <br /> B-6 Leachate Monitoring <br /> 1. The leachate riser or wells are first opened and allowed to equilibrate with the <br /> atmosphere. <br /> 2. The leachate elevation is then measured from a set location using a conductivity-based <br /> water-level meter. The level is generally measured from a surveyed mark on the north <br /> rim of the casing. <br /> 3. A leachate sample is then collected using a clean, disposable bailer. <br /> 4. The sample is labeled and immediately stored in an iced cooler pending transport to the <br /> analytical laboratory. The sample is logged on a chain-of-custody. <br /> C20-3978-03.MTG/2002P 134 Page B-8 <br /> Copyright 2002,Kleinfelder,Inc. April 29,2002 <br />