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Countryside Market <br /> 2 - 18 June 2015 <br />10848 Copperopolis Road <br />Stockton, San Joaquin Co. <br />Groundwater results before and after pilot testing for OBS-1, AS-1 and AS-2 are given in micrograms per <br />Liter (ug/L) in Table 2. <br />Well TPHg Benzene Toluene Ethybenzene Xylenes EDB 1,2-DCA <br />Pretest 1/13/2015 <br />OBS-1 2,700 27 380 62 380 <2.5 7.9 <br />AS-1 870 2.7 33 18 140 <0.5 1.0 <br />AS-2 4,000 38 660 120 640 3.0 7.2 <br />Post Test 1/29/2015 <br />OBS-1 530 17 150 15 64 0.71 40 <br />AS-1 92 0.69 0.81 <0.5 14 <0.5 <0.5 <br />AS-2 230 4.2 21 3.4 42 <0.5 1.9 <br />Fuel Oxygenates, including MTBE were not detected in soil or groundwater. Naphthalene was not <br />analyzed for groundwater samples. <br />Soil vapor results before and after pilot testing for OBS-1 and VW-1 are given in ug/L in Table 3. <br />Well TPHg Benzene Toluene Ethybenzene Xylenes EDB 1,2-DCA <br />Pretest 1/19/2015 <br />OBS-1 42,000 58 2,500 370 1,140 380 <2.5 <br />VW-1 66,000 120 750 190 210 140 <0.5 <br />Post Test 1/28/2015 <br />OBS-1 24,000 21 1,800 300 15 64 0.71 <br />VW-1 850 23 120 2.3 <0.5 14 <0.5 <br />Fuel Oxygenates, including MTBE were not detected in soil, soil gas, or groundwater. <br />TSGI calculated petroleum hydrocarbons mass in soil as 12,312 pounds (1,865 gallons). <br />Based on reductions in soil gas and groundwater concentrations, helium tracer testing which confirmed <br />air was reaching AS-1 and AS-2 from OBS-1, and increasing TPH concentrations by Photo Ionization <br />Detector in SVE-1 (31.5 to 998.9 parts per million, or ppm) and OBS-1 (13.4 to 292 ppm), TSGI <br />concludes that AS and SVE are viable remedial actions. TSGI calculated a 15' (AS) to 20' (SVE) radius <br />of influence for the AS/SVE remediation wells. <br />TSGI proposes installing a total of ten (10) AS wells (eight additional AS wells) and four SVE wells (three <br />additional SVE wells) in a grid pattern for the Work Plan. The new wells wills are proposed to be <br />installed as 2" diameter air sparging wells AS-3 through AS-10, and 2" diameter soil vapor extraction well <br />and VW-2 through VW-4. AS-3 through AS-10 are proposed to be screened 110' to 115' below ground <br />surface (bgs). VW-2 through VW-4 are proposed to be screened 30' to 60' bgs. Proposed remediation <br />equipment will consist of an air compressor, injection equipment, vacuum pump, carbon treatment <br />vessels, control panel, flow control devices and a sound deadened metal fenced enclosure proposed to <br />be installed on the western boundary of the Site. <br />Proposed monitoring will include dissolved oxygen and oxygen reduction potential in all existing <br />monitoring wells, and SVE influent and effluent. Volatile Organic Compounds will be analyzed to <br />calculate SVE mass removal. Continuous operation of the AS/SVE system is proposed; however, <br />optimization may require temporary isolation of one or more wells at startup. Prior to operations, permits