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STATE OF CALIFORNIA - Environmental Pro )n Agency PETE WILSON, Governor <br />CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD <br />CENTRAL VALLEY REGION <br />3443 Routier Road, Suite A <br />Sacramento, CA 95827-3098 <br />PHONE: (916) 255-3000 <br />FAX: (916) 255-3015 <br />8 July 1993 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH <br />PErsiMIT SERVICE <br />93 XI.. !3 PM 2:08 <br />do ki,„}a41 .s&A-961-‘ bick_10 <br />la <br />Mr. Steven Ferrara <br />Manager, Environmental Remediation <br />Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline Partners, L.P. <br />888 South Figueroa Street <br />Los Angeles, CA 90017 <br />NOTIFICATION OF APPLICABILITY OF GENERAL NPDES PERMIT (CA0082929) - <br />SANTA FE PACIFIC PIPELINE PARTNERS, L.P., SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY (ORDER NO. <br />92-15011) <br />Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline Partners, L.P. submitted a Report of Waste Discharge dated 7 June 1993 <br />and supplemental information dated 29 June 1993 to complete the report of waste discharge for the <br />above referenced project. Based on the information in your submittal, this project meets the <br />required conditions to be approved under our General Order for Discharge of Ground Water from <br />Cleanup of Petroleum Fuel Pollution to Surface Waters NPDES Permit (General Order). Enclosed <br />is a copy of the General Order. All of the requirements contained in the General Order will be <br />applicable to your project. You are hereby assigned General Order No. 92-15011 for the Santa Fe <br />Pacific Pipeline Partners, L.P., Holt Ground Water Recovery Site. <br />Enclosed is a copy of Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 92-150 which prescribes minimum <br />wastewater monitoring requirements for compliance with the General Order. Please note that the <br />Monitoring and Reporting program sets forth minimum requirements, and that additional monitoring <br />may be necessary for process control or for evaluating the effectiveness of the ground water <br />extraction system at your site. <br />PROJECT LOCATION <br />The ground water contamination plume, treatment system, and disposal area are at Cook Inlet Road <br />1/4 mi. N. of Hwy. 4. Holt, California in Section 15, T1N, R5E, MDB&M with surface water <br />drainage to Trapper Slough, as shown in Attachments A & B which are part of the Order. Santa Fe <br />Pacific Partners, L.P. owns and operates a pipeline system which delivers petroleum (primary <br />gasoline) products from Stockton to the San Francisco Bay Area.