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Based on available information obtained from the SWRCB Geotracker website for a Leaking Underground <br />Storage Tank (LUST) site located approximately 120 feet southwest of the subject property (facility <br />identification number 10607791873), groundwater in the vicinity of the subject property is anticipated to <br />be first encountered at approximately 10 to 13 feet below ground surface (bgs) with flow direction to the <br />northeast. The subsurface is expected to consist predominantly of silt and clay from the ground surface to <br />approximately 15 feet bgs. <br />Objectives <br />The main objectives of the project will be to identify the potential location of oil/water separators and/or <br />other associated features and to investigate the potential impact of petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile <br />organic compounds (VOCs) to soil and/or groundwater as a consequence of a release or releases from the <br />historical and/or current on-site automotive repair operations. <br />To investigate the identified RECs, Partner will conduct a Phase II Subsurface Investigation. The investigation <br />scope will include the advancement of five borings to facilitate the collection and analysis of soil and/or <br />groundwater samples. <br />If soil and/or groundwater impacts are observed/recorded, the investigation scope may not be sufficient to <br />evaluate the extent and magnitude of subsurface impacts and additional laboratory analysis and/or <br />sampling beyond the proposed scope may be required. <br />Scope <br />Sampling procedures will generally conform to the requirements of the San Joaquin County Environmental <br />Health Department (SJCEHD), SWRCB, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A <br />state-certified laboratory will analyze the samples and the project will be performed under the responsible <br />charge of a qualified Partner representative. Laboratory results will be compared with San Francisco Bay <br />Regional Water Quality Control Board (SFBRWQCB) Environmental Screening Levels (ESLs). <br />Partner will perform the following tasks for the Phase II Subsurface Investigation: <br />Prepare a site-specific health and safety plan; <br />Notify Underground Service Alert (USA) a minimum of 48 hours prior to drilling activities to clear public <br />utilities; <br />Secure the necessary drilling permit from the SJCEHD. Permit acquisition will involve submitting a <br />completed application and site plan to the SJCEHD for review and approval and remitting the necessary <br />fees. The turnaround time of the SJCEHD to issue the permit is expected to be no more than two weeks; <br />Notify the applicable regulatory agencies a minimum of 48 hours prior to drilling/backfilling activities; <br />Perform a geophysical survey in the automotive shop area to identify the potential location of existing <br />oil/water separators, piping, and/or associated features and to additionally clear boring locations of <br />utilities. Boring placement will be modified as necessary based on the geophysical survey results to <br />avoid damaging underground features; <br />Advance a total of five borings throughout the subject property (with a bias towards the identified floor <br />drain and areas of potential releases) to a terminal depth of 15 feet bgs or groundwater, whichever is <br />shallower, collecting soil samples at two feet bgs and in five-foot intervals from five feet bgs to the <br />terminal depth and a grab groundwater sample at the terminal depth; <br />Soil samples will be collected using a two-foot long by 1.5-inch diameter sampler with a two-foot long <br />acetate liner and sampling point. The sampler will be advanced by a direct-push drill rig using four-