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AdvancedGeo <br />Environmental wt-s-s g <br />29 March 2018 <br />AGE Project No. 18-4345 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Proposed borings will be advanced using a Geoprobe 5400 direct-push probing unit or a <br />3-inch diameter hand auger. Soil and soil-vapor samples will be submitted to a California <br />Department of Public Health (CDPH)-Certified laboratory and will be analyzed for: <br />Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in accordance with EPA Method 8015. <br />Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in accordance with EPA Method 8260B. <br />PERMITTING AND PRE-FIELD WORK ACTIVITIES <br />Applicable drilling permits will be obtained from the San Joaquin County Environmental <br />Health Department (SJCEHD) and a site-specific Health and Safety Plan will be prepared. <br />Prior to mobilization, the site will be clearly marked and a utility clearance will be obtained <br />through Underground Service Alert. The SJCEHD will be contacted a minimum of two <br />days prior to conducting investigation activities to arrange for grout inspection. <br />FIELD PROCEDURES <br />All field procedures will be overseen by an AGE representative working under the <br />supervision of a California Professional Geologist. Procedures for sample collection and <br />analysis, equipment decontamination and sample handling are presented below. <br />SOIL SAMPLING <br />AGE proposes to advance two (2) soil probe borings at the site for collection of soil <br />samples utilizing a van-mounted Geoprobe 5400 equipped with 1.25-inch rods. Soil <br />samples will be collected for laboratory analysis from both borings at depths of 8 and 12 <br />feet bsg during the investigation. Soil samples will be collected using a 1.25-inch diameter <br />Geoprobe soil sampling assembly loaded with a two-foot acetate liner. <br />For sample collection a selected portion of the liner will be cut and covered with Teflon <br />sheets, capped and sealed with tape. Appropriately sealed and labeled samples will be <br />placed in a chilled container on ice and transported under chain-of-custody procedure to <br />a CDPH-certified laboratory. Samples will be analyzed for the constituents listed above. <br />Each sample will be labeled with boring designation, depth, time, date and sampler's <br />initials. Soils encountered in the borings will be visually classified by AGE personnel in <br />accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Additionally, soil samples <br />will be field-screened for presence of volatile organic compounds using an organic vapor <br />meter (OVM), equipped with photo-ionization detector (PID) pre-calibrated to isobutylene.