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Former Chevron Station #9-8632 - 2 - 19 March 2019 <br />575 W. Grant Line Rd <br />Tracy, San Joaquin County <br />were fiberglass and were installed in 1984 to replace an unknown number of steel tanks. San <br />Joaquin County Environmental Health Department (SJCEHD) filed an Unauthorized Release <br />Report (URR) in June 1994 following the UST removals. Between May 1995 and February <br />2018, Chevron installed eight groundwater monitoring wells, four soil gas wells, and twenty soil <br />and groundwater borings. Chevron conducted routine groundwater monitoring from 1995 <br />through 2011. Historically, groundwater flow at the Site has been toward the northwest. <br />In February 2018, GHD advanced five soil borings to assess for the presence of petroleum <br />hydrocarbons in the vicinity of the former fuel USTs and WOT. GHD detected up to <br />45 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), <br />0.0006 mg/kg benzene, and 1.6 mg/kg naphthalene in soil samples collected from the Site. <br />During removal of the fuel USTs and WOT in May 1994, Chevron removed approximately 100 <br />cubic yards of impacted soil from the excavation of the WOT and disposed of off-site. In August <br />1994, Chevron excavated an additional approximately 200 cubic yards of impacted soil from the <br />former fuel UST and WOT areas and disposed of off-site. The 300 total cubic yards of removed <br />soil contained approximately 500 pounds of hydrocarbons. Chevron has not conducted other <br />active remediation at the Site; however, remaining petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and <br />groundwater do not warrant further remedial activities. <br />CONSTITUENT DATA <br />Soil - The highest historical hydrocarbon concentrations detected in soil beneath the Site are <br />shown in Table 1. <br />Table 1 - Maximum Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil <br />concentrations in milli rams per kilo ram Fmcilk <br />TPHg TPHd Benzene Toluene Ethyl- <br />benzene Xylenes MTBE <br />7,600 30,000 24 77 180 560 0.74 <br />TPHg=total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline; TPHd=TPH as diesel; MTBE=methyl tertiary butyl <br />ether <br />Groundwater - The highest historical hydrocarbon concentrations detected in groundwater <br />beneath the Site are shown in Table 2, and the results of the most recent groundwater sampling <br />event, completed September 2017, are shown in Table 3. <br />Table 2 - Maximum Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater <br />concentrations in micro rams per liter /L <br />TPHg TPHd Benzene Toluene Ethyl- <br />benzene Xylenes MTBE <br />54,000 4,700 7,700 2,400 2,900 3,500 3,100 <br />TPHg=total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline; TPHd=TPH as diesel; MTBE=methyl <br />tertiary butyl ether