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Nitrate Loading Analysis BSK Job E21-002-01B <br />2482 Carpenter Road June 23, 2021 <br />Stockton, California I 2 <br />Surrounding the site is mixed residential and agriculture use. Adjacent to the site to the east and toward <br />the north are large orchards that could be sources of nitrate due to fertilizer use. To the south and west <br />are residential and electrical substation. <br />There is an existing septic system that is connected to a seepage pit located at the eastern portion of the <br />adult care facility property. The Onsite Systems Manual (2017) does not have specific design flow values <br />for Adult Care facilities, so the EPA Design Manual-Onsite Wastewater and Disposal Systems manual was <br />used to estimate the gallons per day (gpd). The estimated wastewater flow rates from rest home is 175 <br />gpd per resident and between 15 gpd per employee. The following model assumes for 23 residents and <br />five employees which will result in an estimated 4,100 gpd dosing rate to the proposed septic system. <br />1.2 Data Gaps <br />The following data gaps, which may affect this analysis, were identified: <br />Groundwater data used in this analysis was based on publicly available historical data from the <br />nearest monitoring well, which is located approximately 0.51 miles south of the Site. Additional <br />nearby wells have historic data that that is 3-5 years old. <br />Based on the available site-specific data, the actual depth to bedrock is unknown. <br />Based on the available site-specific data, it is unknown if the first-encountered groundwater at <br />the Site occurs in alluvial sediments or in bedrock. <br />17,