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Nitrate Loading Analysis <br />2482 Carpenter Road <br />Stockton, California <br />BSK Job E21-002-01B <br />July 13, 2021 <br />Page 15 <br />The yearly average precipitation is 17.7 inches per year while the recharge is approximately 3.37 <br />inches. <br />The background nitrate-nitrogen concentration of rainfall is 1 mg/L. This has been provided by <br />San Joaquin county and is based on contractors testing Stockton rainwater. <br />Based on the above information, and using the Hantzshe and Finnemore nitrate loading equation, a <br />change of up to 5 inches of rain per year will impact the nitrate-nitrogen in recharge water by <br />approximately 2 mg/L. <br />4.3 Current On-Site Sources of Nitrate to Soil and Groundwater: <br />The site use and impact to groundwater is described Sections 1.1 an ummarize, the site is <br />currently being used as adult care facility discharging ‹) -two septic/leech line systems. n the site. The <br />existing septic/leech line systems will be completely replaced by a (larger) commercial septic system. The <br />adult care facility itself is not planned to be expanded or altered so discharge and contribution of nitrate <br />load from this source should remain the same. <br />4.4 Proposed Future On-Site Sources of Nitrate to Soil and Groundwater: <br />Proposed future work on the site consists of eplacing the existing septic/leech line system with a <br />commercial system on the northern half of the site as well as the expansion an electrical substation on <br />the southern part of the site. Because there is no plan for expansion of the adult care facility that exists <br />on the property currently, in which the current septic/leech line system is being utilized, it is thought that <br />the replacement of the current system with a commercial septic system will cause no changes to the <br />current contribution of nitrate load. <br />Currently, there exists an electrical substation to the west of the site which is being expanded onto he <br />southern portion of the site. This expansion of the electrical substation should not have an impact on <br />nitrate loading for the site.