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Ite-i No. 4 <br /> C. -18-83 <br /> 8"1-9/PUD-83-2 <br /> -+qe rour <br /> 13_ Circle is to be posted as one-way. <br /> T',e d- gn changes are incorporated in the present map <br /> r` subdivid=r allowed the Tentative Map to expi-e. <br /> " "though ;:he proposed roadway will not become part of the mai -' ,in d <br /> u'a i read system, it should be built to County standards for e- r- r-nc- <br /> access and the protection of the future reside ts _ <br /> Adequate access to Smith Canal is provided by the existing cit,: r- <br /> at either end of it . Further access through this subd vision i:, <br /> �nnecessa,'y. <br /> "'`he Environmental Review officer has prepared a Negative Declaration <br /> ',ased on an Initial Study of the project . <br /> NDINGS <br /> A_ The project is consistent with the General Plan: <br /> . The project is residential and conforms to planed density. <br /> B. The project will not have a significant adverse effect on the <br /> environment : <br /> . Sewer, water, and drainage are proposed. Subject to the propl,s' d <br /> conditions, access will be adequate. <br /> C . The additional housing which this project will provide outweighs <br /> the need for additional services and any adverse effects on <br /> fiscal and environmental resources : <br /> . The project will provide twenty-four (24) additional resident 'al <br /> units. <br /> D. The development will constitute a residential environment of <br /> sustained quality and stability ; that it will be in harmony with <br /> the character of the surrounding neighborhood and will result in <br /> an intensity of land utilization no higher than, and standards of <br /> open spaces at least as -high as permitted or specified otherwise <br /> for such development in this title. The residential density is <br /> to conform to that of the existing zoning districts. <br /> E. The development of a harmonious, integrated whole justifies <br /> exceptions, if such are required, to the normal requirements of <br /> this title. However, under no condition shall exceptions be <br /> permitted for uses or dwelling unit density from those of the <br /> existing zoning district and subject property. <br />