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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT <br />WALNUT ACRES SUBDIVISION <br />(S-75-3/EIR 75-7) <br />I DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT <br />A. Location: <br />The rrcposcd = +division is composed of 28 acres on the <br />southeast corner of Cherokee Lane and Cherryland Avenue, <br />east of Highway 99, east of Stockton. The property is <br />in Sections 52, 53, 62, and 63 of the Charles M. Weber <br />Grant as shown on the Waterloo and Stockton East 7.5' <br />Quad Sheets of the U.S.G.S. The San Joaquin County <br />Assessor lists the subject property in Book 087 on page <br />050 as Parcels 1 and 17. A legal description is appended <br />to this report as "Appendix A." <br />B. Objectives of the Owners and Applicants: <br />The applicant and owner is seeking to develop 43 resi- <br />dential lots on 28 acres now devoted to agriculture (walnuts <br />and field crops). The lots will provide 1/2 acre building <br />sites for custom homes of a design by the buyer. The <br />applicant and owner plan to leave existing walnuts to add <br />to landscape qualities of the lots. It is the intent of <br />this project to provide lots within reach of the amenities <br />of the City of Stockton and also to return a profit to the <br />owner/developer. <br />C. Characteristics of the Project: <br />Forty-three lots have been designed for single-family <br />residential dwelling use. The following design elements <br />form the characteristics of the project: <br />1. Access to the parcels to be developed exists along two <br />County maintained roads, Cherokee Road and Cherryland <br />Avenue. Two new s� eets are proposed to carry traffic <br />into the subdivision. "Tina Avenue", a 50' street <br />running north -south, would intersect Cherokee Lane <br />450' east of Cherryland and "Powers Avenue", a 60' wide <br />street parallel to the south subdivision property line <br />would intersect Cherryland Avenue 780' south of <br />Cherokee Lane. Five lots front on Cherryland Avenue. <br />Five lots front on Cherokee Lane. One lot at the inter- <br />section has frontage on both Cherokee Lane and Cherryland <br />Avenue. There are two 50' internal streets, "Joseph Way" <br />and "Athena Way" that end in cul-de-sacs. Six lots <br />