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front on north -south Joseph way, five lots front on <br />Athena Way and the remainder have frontage on Powers <br />or Tina Avenues. (See the tentative subdivision <br />map -frontispiece.) <br />2. Utilities are available from adjacent utility easements. <br />Gas and electricity will be supplied by Pacific Gas <br />and Electric. Telephone service will be provided by <br />Pacific Telephone. Big Valley Cablevision will provide <br />television service. Water will come from two on-site <br />wells not yet constructed. Sanitation for sewage and <br />waste water is to be by i d�ividual septic tanks._ <br />Drainage is to be channeled a7 no g curbs and gutters <br />to storm drains that empty into low-lying sump from <br />which storm water will be pumped to a two+ acre area <br />set aside in the south -center of the development for <br />ponding of runoff waters. All utilities will be under <br />ground. The storm drainage system is designed to meet <br />the requirements for integration into the master storm <br />drainage system as planned by the San Joaquin County <br />Department of Public Works. Street lighting will be <br />installed by the developer and dedicated to a San <br />Joaquin County maintenance district. <br />3. Construction of improvements will proceed in two units. <br />The area fronting on Cherokee Road and Cherryland Avenue <br />include Tina and Powers Avenues will be developed in <br />Unit One. The balance of the 12 lots will be developed <br />in Unit Two. Curbs and gutters will be installed along <br />the frontages of all lots except those along Cherryland <br />Avenue and Cherokee Road. <br />4. Landscaping, fencing and screening will be developed <br />around the wells and drainage swale, and at the rear <br />of each parcel so that the perimeter of the subdivision <br />is fenced where it abuts other private properties. <br />Other architectural restrictions include minimum square <br />footage requirement of 1800 square feet and either tile <br />or shake roofing. No fencing or landscape plans are <br />necessary for property frontage along Cherokee Road <br />and Cherryland Avenue because this area will be land- <br />scaped as the frontage of individual lots by homeowners <br />themselves. For each tree removed a new tree will be <br />planted. Conifers will be substituted for existing <br />species. Street trees will also be planted. <br />II THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING <br />A. Biophysical Setting: <br />1. Topography <br />The subject property varies in elevation from 35' above <br />sea level to 34' above sea level at Cherryland Avenue. <br />-2- <br />