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Surface and Subsurface Contamination Report Irerracon <br />Sandhu Property Mountain House, California <br />August 12, 2021 Terracon Project No. NA217037 <br />Historically, the site was utilized for row crops from at least 1937 through 2006, which may have <br />included the use of pesticides and herbicides. Most currently used agricultural chemicals do not <br />persist for extended periods of time in the environment if applied appropriately; however, some <br />agricultural chemicals persist in the environment, especially if misapplied. In Terracon's <br />experience, the application of herbicides and pesticides to agricultural fields can leave trace <br />amounts of the compounds in the soil and/or groundwater, that may accumulate overtime due to <br />long-term applications. <br />The pipeline identified on the site and northern and eastern adjoining properties is further <br />discussed below in Sections 3. 1.1 and 3.1.2. <br />The activity identified on the southern portion of the eastern adjoining property appears to be <br />associated with an oil spill associated with the crude oil pipeline and is further discussed below <br />in Section 3.1.1. <br />Terracon's ability to interpret the land uses is limited by the scale and quality of the images. <br />Copies of the historic information are included in Appendix C. <br />2.3 Interviews <br />An attempt was made to obtain historical as well as current information relative to the site from <br />the property owner or key site manager of the property. An Environmental Questionnaire and <br />Disclosure Statement were completed by Mr. Dan Schack, User of the SSCR, and Mr. Karnail <br />Sandhu, Owner. Based on a review of Mr. Schack's responses, the purpose of the SSCR is to <br />divide APN 209-060-49 into one 16 -acre parcel and one 16.92 -acre parcel to be developed with <br />commercial and multi -tenant residential properties. The parcel boundaries for APN 209-060-60 <br />are proposed to be re -aligned into two parcels of unknown size to be developed with a roadway, <br />utility easement, and/or remain as vacant land. Mr. Schack was not aware of any environmental <br />liens or land use limitations recorded against the property. He stated that he did not have any <br />specialized knowledge or experience relating to on-site environmental conditions. <br />Mr. Sandhu indicated that he was not aware of the site or adjoining properties historically <br />operating as gasoline stations, motor repair, commercial printing, dry cleaning, photo <br />developing, junkyard, landfill, or waste treatment, storage, disposal, processing, or recycling <br />facilities. Additionally, he was not aware of current or historical environmental liens, violations of <br />environmental laws, existence of hazardous substances or petroleum products, transformers, <br />solid or liquid waste generation, building structures, chemical storage tanks, industrial <br />operations, or agricultural operations associated with the site. Mr. Sandhu and Mr. Schack did <br />not provide information relating to former site owners. <br />A copy of the responses has been included in this report as Appendix C. <br />Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4 <br />