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July 28, 1987 <br />DESCRIPTION OF <br />PROPOSED <br />ANNEXATION TO THE MOKELUMNE ACRES MAINTENANCE DISTRICT <br />(BENSON PLACE SUBDIVISION) <br />San Joaquin County, California <br />A portion of the northwest -quarter of Section 34, T.4N., <br />R.6E., M.D.B.&.M., more particularly descried as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the north line of 60 foot <br />wide Augusta Street with the southerly production of the west <br />line of that certain 0.63 acre parcel designated Parcel " A" on <br />mao filed in Book of Parcel Maps, Volume 9, page 89, San Joaquin <br />County Records, said intersection being on the Mokelumne Acres <br />Maintenance District boundary; thence along said Maintenance <br />District boundary the following four (4) courses: (1) S. 20 52' W. <br />along said southerly production of the west line of Parcel "A" <br />70.03 feet to the former south line of Augusta Street, <br />(2) N. 880 46' W. along said former south line 465.44 feet to the <br />northeast corner of that certain 1.58 acre parcel designated <br />Parcel 'A' on map filed in Book of Parcel Maps, Volume 4, page <br />90, San Joaquin County Records, (3) S. G° 24' 32" E. along the <br />east line of said Parcel 'A' 202.65 feet to the northwest corner <br />of KIRST ESTATE'S NO. 4 (tae map or plat of w^ich is filed in Book <br />cf Official Maps and Plats, Volume 17, page 101, San Joaquin <br />County Records), and (4) easterly along the north line of said <br />KIRST ESTATES NO. 4, a distance of 608.22 feet to the southerly <br />production of the west line of Lot 1, Block D of WI-LIAMS <br />ADDITION TO TEE TOWN OF WOODBRIDGE (the map or plat of which is <br />filed in Book of Official Maas and Plats, Volume 2, page 75, <br />San Joaquin County Records), thence northerly along said <br />southerly production, the west line, and the northerly production <br />of said Lot 1, Block D, 160 feet, more or less, to aforesaid <br />north line of 60 foot wide Augusta Street; thence leaving said <br />Maintenance District boundary, westerly along said north line <br />200 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />Containing 3.2 acres, more or less. <br />I 7G271SC3 <br />=IBIT "A" <br />