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b. If improvements referred to herein are not completed prior <br />to the approval of the Final Map, the subdivider shall <br />execute an agreement with the County of San Joaquin <br />insuring the completion of improvements within one (1) <br />year after filing the Final Map. <br />c. The subdivider shall agree to and shall pay service fees <br />to the Woodbridge Lighting District and the Mokelumne <br />Acres Maintenance District for the utility services from <br />the time the improvements are accepted by the County to <br />the end of the Fiscal Year, or up to a one (1) year <br />period, as the case may be. <br />d. Interior streets within the subdivision shall be dedicated <br />and improved to the 50 -foot right-of-way public road stan- <br />dard (urban). <br />e. Augusta Street shall be dedicated and improved on the sub- <br />divided side to half of a 60 -foot right-of-way minor <br />collector street standard. <br />f. The subdivider shall pay $2,000 per acre, which is subject <br />to inflationary increases, for the construction of the <br />proposed Chestnut Street Bridge across the Woodbridge <br />Irrigation Canal and the Chestnut Street extension roadway <br />improvements, as per the separate agreement between the <br />County and the subdivider. <br />g. A terminal drainage system shall be provided to meet the <br />requirements of the County and to provide adequate <br />drainage for the development. The acceptance or approval <br />by the County of the drainage system does not relieve the <br />developer (or his engineer) of the responsibility of pro- <br />viding an adequate drainage system. <br />The property is subject to the adopted storm drainage <br />benefit fee of $2,408.00 for Area of Benefit No. 1 and <br />$573.00 for Area of Benefit No. 2. These fees shall be <br />paid prior to approval of the Final Map. <br />h. A public water system shall be provided conforming to the <br />requirements of the Local Health District and the <br />Department of Public Works. The system shall provide ade- <br />quate water supply and fire hydrants for fire protection <br />in conformance with the requirements of the County Fire <br />Warden and the Woodbridge Rural Fire Protection District. <br />i. The public sewer system shall be constructed in confor- <br />mance with the requirements of the Local Health District, <br />the Department of Public Works, and the Woodbridge <br />Sanitary District. <br />j. The property shall annex to the Mokelumne <br />Maintenance District for the maintenance <br />the water and storm drainage systems. <br />Acres <br />and operation of <br />Conditions of Approval - 2 - (SU -87-8) <br />