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IV. CURRENT OWTS OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS AND COMPONENTS <br />SSS§ 3.7. Currently, all domestic wastewater influent sources flow into a 3,600 gallon septic tank <br />and then gravity to the large sump structure in the NWC of the property. A conventional leachfield <br />with leachlines is adjacent to the north of the septic tank. The previous use of these leachlines is <br />unknown and may not have been used since the sump structure was installed in 1996. <br />Sizing for the 3,600 calculated tank capacity (CTC) is based on SJC EHD Form 42-01-004 and by <br />using the EHD specified ADF in gpd: <br />1,125 gal tank + (2,220 gpd ADF x 0.75) = 2,790 gals. Therefore, the 3,600 gal septic tank capacity <br />is adequate but still must be pumped quarterly to due observed severe solids build-up. <br />OWTS DISPOSAL AREA CALCULATIONS <br />The following calculations determine the adequacy of the existing leachlines to accept the daily <br />wastewater flows and is based on the infiltrative area of the leachlines. Taking the acceptance rate <br />of the soil from the 36" deep perc test at 0.467 gallons/ft2/day and applying this rate to the <br />infiltrative area of the leachlines: There are 5 leachlines, each 90 ft long. Assigning 4 sq ft/ LF of <br />leachline for infiltration area =5 x 90 = 450 LFLL x 4 ft2/ LF = 1,800 ft2. <br />1,800 ft2 x 0.467 gallons/ft2/day = 840.6 gpd the leachline can theoretically assimilate. Given that <br />the meter reading on the domestic well totaled 26,987 gallons for the year 2020, equivalent to 74 <br />gpd, on average. Consequently, the leachlines should manage anticipated daily flows. <br />The sump structure has a surface area of 48 ft x 15 ft = 720 ft2 x 5 ft deep = 3,600 ft2. The <br />application rate at the 8 ft depth was 0.729 gallons/ft2/day. Therefore the sump can theoretically <br />manage 3,600 ft2 x 0.729 gallons/ft2 /day = 2,624 gpd. <br />Page -7- <br />Chesney Consulting